Gobang of Chinese style is paid attention by the people when it was published on iphone,we thank you for your surppot!Now we tell you a good news.As the new year and Christmas comes,we decide to set the game free downloaded for you on limited time to share the festival together.And the price of ipad version will be reduced to $0.99 at the same time.Please give your scores and high praise after download.Thanks! Application name:GoBang Chinese Style Limited free time: 2010.12.21 to 2011.01.03 Instructions: The application is a fallow five-in-a-row, we use lots of elements in Sinicism liquid ink, and music can afford you a sense of classic style.it will bring you a holy new feeling with power classic Sinicism.The game with all functions that you can find a instruction to help you know how to play, rules, and so on, it?s easy to learn. There are two model?single play and double play. It?s a nice choice to play it when you have spare time, and you can share it to your friends. Iphone link:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id405436017?mt=8 Ipad link:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id408164826?mt=8 iphone screenshots: rating: Ipad screenshots:
Translation: Thank you, I've been looking for this game. But your English description is not good enough. I am afraid English speaking people will understand it very well. My wife is Chinese, she translated it. By the way, it's a beautiful app. It's a simple 5 in a row game that's easy to play with or without instructions. Don't let that hold you back. Good job. Edit: ha, I thought you were asking someone to translate that statement. Now I understand you were asking him to translate your game instructions. Ha, my bad!