This is a thread for feedback and bug reports for Glyph Quest Chronicles. All feedback welcome - our community seems very nice so don't be afraid to speak your mind. For bug reports, we'd like as much detail as possible. What quest it happened on, what level you were, whether or not it keeps on happening, what monster you were fighting, etc. Happy Questing!
Grammar mistake in character select screen description for Summoner Version: 0.52 (8) Platform: iPhone 7 iOS: 10.2 Severity: Minor Summary: Grammar mistake in character select screen description for Summoner Description: In the Summoner's description it says 'The primal forces of the pack is where the Summoner finds her solace'. It should either be 'The primal force of the pack is where the Summoner finds her solace' or 'The primal forces of the pack are where the Summoner finds her solace'.
Bug report Device and os: iPhone 5s iOS 10 App version Summary achievement panel scrolls up too far Description on the achievements screen the user can hide most of the panel and can only retrieve the achievements panel in the small hit area at the top. the user should be able to scroll the panel anywhere on the screen
Force closing the app during the tutorial means you can never return to it Version: 0.52 (8) Platform: iPhone 7 iOS: 10.2 Severity: Major Summary: Force closing the app during the tutorial means you can never return to it Description: If you double tap the home button and force close the app during the tutorial sequence, then after restarting the game you are placed immediately after the tutorial, talking to Adventurer Mike. You don't get the experience or gold for completing the quest. You probably want to be put back to the start of the tutorial.
Missing question mark during tutorial sequence Version: 0.52 (8) Platform: iPhone 7 iOS: 10.2 Severity: Minor Summary: Missing question mark during tutorial sequence Description: The second text from Sorceress Gabrianna beginning 'For example...' should end in a question mark.
Version: 0.52 (8) Platform: iPhone 6S iOS: 9.3.1 Severity: Minor Summary: Incorrect description for glyphs in the workshop Description: While in the workshop selecting an item to craft, the first glyph selected always refers to the Sun, while the second glyph gives the correct description according to the glyph type. Not sure if it is intended like that.
Nope. Sorry - all girls. I know you've heard this all before, but it is too much work for us to include male variants of the characters and gear.
Trinket information In the workshop it doesn't tell you what resistances the different trinkets you can craft provide.
Root When in the player customisation screen, selecting staff or robe then tapping on the word 'staff' or 'robe' brings up an info window about 'root'
Minor text issues Three minor text fixes: - Tutorial for shop, your should just be you - Tutorial for bestiary, remove apostrophe from it's - Bestiary, Rat description. Overwhelm is misspelled PS: AMAZING looking game, keep up the great work!
So, had my first test drive when I picked up my daughter from school this afternoon and took public transportation. I like the look and I appreciate how much it changed from the 1st glyphquest. We didn't get to play much because we had to go through the lengthy tutorials and since my daughter is not yet that good in English I had to translate everything. Is there a German localization? I couldn't tell since my phone is set to English So I'd argue that there is too much to read before you can play and then before you can choose your first quest yourself. Also the tutorials' font is a bit too tiny IMO. I'd rather have the speech square take more screen real estate and have a larger font than seeing (the beautiful) background. This was all a bit annoying as I didn't have a seat and had to stand next to my daughter and pick up the phone every other minute and decipher the font and translate everything. But she's hooked - we will play more later this evening!
There will be in the launch version. At least, that's the plan. Leanne has drawn a bunch of flags and everything for the language select screen. Glad to hear it. Happy questing!
Workshop description bug In the workshop, when selecting an item, bringing up the description of the first/only element displays the Light element text. When an item has more than one element, the text of the second element seems to display correctly. Also, minor text error in the description for Vortex spell. Add apostrophe to its.