Glowfish (full) -> Free

Discussion in 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies, and Deals' started by Greyskull, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Gunlock

    Gunlock Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    Same story here. The game is on my device for over a year now, I've never deleted it (US AppStore). Full screen ads just after the start when the main menu pops up, and the same full screen ads between the levels. Seems like Mumbo Jumbo is about to land on my black list of devs, right next to HotGen (To-Fu: Trials of Chi devs) and a couple of others which names I can't remember at the moment.

    Too bad, Mumbo Jumbo games were one of the first games I've installed on my 3GS just after I bought it 3 years ago. It is really disappointing to see how they are treating loyal customers.
  2. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Write to them or complain to Apple. Developers really need to release a second app if the want to try ad paid models or go freemium. The ability for devs to upgrade and change things these days is great, this ability is quite often abused however which is telling.
  3. Filing Cabinet

    Filing Cabinet Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
    yeah, definitely not buying anything from these guys again.

    Glowfish was a quality game, really disappointed to see them ruin it like this
  4. dclose

    dclose Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    No, I'm talking about giant, full-screen pop up ads asking if I want to GO DOWNLOAD a particular game NOW?!! and a giant DOWNLOAD button and a tiny no thanks button. It's really easy to miss the no thanks button and click the download button by accident, which throws you out of the game and into the app store. And even when I do press the no thanks button, I'm sometimes getting two or three of these in a row before it'll let me get back to playing another level of the game.

    Correct, I get them at the start menu and between levels and between worlds -- every place except during the actual game play. If you want to restart a level quickly, kiss that ability goodbye!
  5. #25 Connector, Oct 13, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
    Yeah, I just put on glowfish on my iphone to check what you and others have been noticing. The ads are pretty big and offensive. Mumbo crappo better not do it to the hd version. Maybe since I don't have ads yet on my ipad version I should finish it soon since as you mentioned it will probably come.

    Sucks, I don't like it like others here won't buy anymore Mumbo crappo games anymore. Just will patiently wait til they put in ads and go free.

    Mumbo crappo, please don't touch the hd version!

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