Havent picked this up yet, as Im still sticking with iOS 9 on my devices and I havent decided whether Id rather play with a mouse. But based on watching runs on YouTube, I like how the powerups work as a 2-element stack when getting hit, popping the last pickup, which would allow one to clear a less desirable one. Then as 2-element queue, where the first pickup gets displaced when full, which keeps one from grabbing every powerup that appears. This fits the games theme perfectly, and combined with powerups serving as shields, is much more elegant than the juggling one has to do with Steredenn on Steam/PS4/X1. A few questions regarding the itch.io Win/Mac downloads. First, is portrait mode an option? Does the mouse cursor remain on screen? Is the game always 4:3 when in landscape mode? And are there any additional effects, like the Steam version of Beat da Beat?
Can anyone explain please : when I die, I find myself starting at the game elements almost identical to when I was killed? This does not sound like "restart task", it sounds more like "continue"... Still dunno if I like it or seek refund.
I am one of those who typically does not get too into shmup games, but this is definitely a game changer for me. Love the aesthetics and gameplay is great, only one boss in and a few file pickups, but I hope there are plans to extend the game (maybe different ship types, starting loadouts etc) as I see this staying on my iPhone for a long time. Even if not, great game!
I still have an iPad mini 3 on IOS 9 which has the same A7 as the iPhone 5s so it should work on that too. Can't wait to play this awesome game on a bigger screen, now back to playing it.
You can turn off the music. Not sound. No. No. There is a fake cursor in some parts. Yes. There is a letterbox otherwise. No.
Yes. I think I could use a story, but there was none. The left right boundary design decision is kinda odd. I don't get it. Some weapons are fun but the overall gameplay design is not very much my cup of tea I think I just get back to BHM or SFR, they are more fun in my book. Sorry fellows!
Hi,I am the developer of Pixel Craft :Space Shooter~ I have bought you game and love it very much~! Thanks for you great work
Played this about 8 times , I'm now in top 25 in score. Kinda cool. Never been a high score guy but I am finding why everyone likes this.