Hi All! Let me introduce our tiny favorite! This sweet, singing blob is the craziest product of the year. It may seem to be a simple capering game at first glimpse. Believe me, it isn't! It wasn't named accidentally. We are in the home stretch making the final touches. The most suprising is that we haven't even named this cute little blacky so far. Could you help us out till we have further info? Of course, the ones with the best ideas can expect a promo code prior to release. Best wishes!
Thank You! Yes, it's bouncing continuously. You have to tap to make it jump up or jump forward but you have to do this on the rhythm of the music. TRAILER COMING SOON!
Official Trailer Hi Folks! Great news! Here's the trailer. We would like to know your first impressions. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Music Hi Folks, If you like the music of the game you can listen to it all day long. Here's a link for it. https://soundcloud.com/kov-cs-zolt-n-35/giveitup Have a nice weekend!