Welp this forum is officially dead It makes me sad that the forum is dead after after so much time, but I don't really go here often anyways so rip. Cya to whoever still hasn't left, have a nice day
Conclusion ... Ah, so I guess this forum has reached it's point. This was expected as this forum was slowly starting to fall. I guess that's it...(fades away after the last "page murder") And that, folks, wraps it up for the great adventures the Geometry Dash community has experienced with each other and the game. Now go off and brag to your friends and everyone else that you just read a 10,483-page story and get outta here. And before you do that, here's one last "rainbow message" for you all (smaller to avoid spam): THE END?
As to be expected. This is usually the amount of activity in most threads anyway, and we were the most active one (there was a hidden question mark after "The End" BTW).
If you think you should I would suggest joining the editor guide discord. It still has some of the people from here and is way nicer than the one that pyro has been getting people to join
Sad to see this place die for real, ive literally never seen a space of more than 24h between posts. The rest of TA must be happy that this massive gd thread is no longer being bumped to the top xD Want to say my last goodbyes to everyone, this thread has 10k pages of good memories.
The thread died so it became reasonably "active" compared to before again. makes sense. i guess this place just doesn't want to die
10,484 pages...? Last time I was here it was around 1,500. Anyways, I haven't touched, let alone played, the game in a long time, nor have I checked this thread since I was last online a long time ago... A lot of great memories here, met great people, nice discussions, but as always, everything must come to an end (July 17- 31 post gap, before it was every minute or so) Well... I guess this is goodbye. At least it will always have the reputation of being the largest thread on the website, for the future, until another game is developed that can spark interest like this. Well then... Goodbye.
Oh my god, I remember you from back when I stalked this thread. Well, goodbye. P.S. I'm not sure when the last time you played was, but the wave compatible blocks have been added.
No Also now my stomach hurts and I want to cry For anyone who still wants to have an active community, I really, really would like u to join the lounge/editor guide discord servers. I'm not gonna post links, but still. Goodbye now. Ok not yet I wanted to say Thx for being my first online community, despite the arguments and stuff. Thank you. ha Rennis, who has last post now? 8)))