toucharcade Keeping you in touch with the latest in iOS gaming lol I bet half the people here don't even like Apple *cough* waiting for 2.0 *cough*
Etzer isn't a beta tester or anything. This was most likely his guess. All they did was ask robtop if they could make the icon contest in the first place
I was on Pauze's stream and he played Goodbye. He didn't send it, but I saw Squall say "I'll send it" shortly after Pauze exited the level. SirHadoken was also on the stream, so hopefully there's a chance it got sent!
Thanks! I think I'm able to get a feature. The only problem is that the first block design is horrible, and first impressions matter. However, it is easy, so as long as if Rob sees the later designs in the middle sections, I'm hoping that can get me a feature.
Well whoever ate God must be accustomed to another religion and hate Christianity xD jokes Honestly not that hyped, all famous creators make now is extreme demons, and that seems to be the only thing people really care about. I reckon if I can't play it or use it then i have no interest in it.