1. First time people saw the spider nobody thought it would do what it does. 2. It could be like a ship but with no ground at the top of the screen 3. It could change speeds on taps
Or it could possibly be Jeyzor's snake idea. (Don' start a flamewar, anyone, since there was already one and it has been resolved. See page 10426). Well, RobTop knew what it does.
So I just unlocked an icon! The one beside the cat to the left... from a demon chest... but now my game crashed and the icon disappeared, I got the key back but I only got orbs from the same chest... now I'm sad... what do I do?
Well you get a key for every 500 orbs you collect, so farm orbs. You can do that by doing easy demons or quickly beating 5-7 star levels.
Ok thanks! Easy demons? I've beat Clubstep, horizon,the nightmare, Lightning road Any that are that easy or easier?
Problematic is pretty easy. Also if you haven't gotten the orbs from the demons you've done already you can redo them (especially lightning road and the nightmare).