Bloodbath is coming soon.. I uploaded a video about Bloodbath with cuts, soon enough I'll beat it, you can watch it here, I put lots of effort into the video
Oh look, a wild Kronos! We must feed it Kronberries to satisfy its thirst! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Spoiler time for iterro to yell at me for being off topic and referencing the discord
New level Hey guys! This is a preview of my new level! Tell me what you think
Those move objects are going to annoy a lot of people and the spider section looks a bit bland. The design for the first part looks nice
Alright! New GD Discord server for the Editor Guide since the old one sorta broke down. I'm the new owner! Join here!
keys oh one more key til 50 chests yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) eck's dee but srsly tho eck's dee Wait wait wait, is this a joke? I don't mind you being pissed off with quick Discord references, but quitting? That's taking it a step too far. It's normal to be annoyed. I am too, but these are just jokes. Unoriginal humour, knowwhatimsayingyeah? definitely. I just sit there, i'm literally not involved in anything here. I'm kind of glad though idk It looks nice, but the spider looks a bit bland. Try adding screen shakes/pulse, it might help
With random roles, three people ranking above the creators of the guide, and messy channels everywhere? Look, you aren't even the creator of the guide, why are you complaining? Let's stop arguing about this right now, we have different opinions.