Universal Geometry Dash (by RobTop Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member

    Seriously everyone, Echo's right. Continuing to argue about this is just gonna get more people timed out, leave it as it is with just one ban ;A;
  2. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( ͡° ͜&#6
    On a Semi-Related Note

    Related to GD kind of, I'm getting a little bored of uploading GD vids, and I'm almost out of Blast Corps Material, any N64 game suggestions I should record?
  3. Iterro

    Iterro Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    Gerald has changed though. You keep saying "in the past" like it's happening right now. If someone brought up something from your past and wanted you banned for it, would you be happy? I'm sure someone can find something that'll get people angry.

    Echo has already said before though, Gerald can appeal if they both agree to get along. It isn't a final decision as far as we're concerned. Just because you want it to be doesn't mean it will happen. If you want Gerald banned, you want Splash banned. Gerald didn't do anything worse than Splash. Mostly everyone here agreed (and I'm saying this again because you have read over it every time I've posted it) that Gerald should be given another chance, including Echo.

    I don't know how you think "Splash is lucky" could be directed harshly, unless you're giving it a tone that isn't there. He was stating a fact, and Splash misunderstood and responded very harshly. You're making statements based off of assumptions.

    Please think about what I said for a bit before attacking me again.

    Sorry to everyone else who wants this to end. Hopefully there aren't too many hard feelings when this is over. :eek:
  4. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( ͡° ͜&#6
    The only problem with them getting along and talking out differences is that Splash has blocked Pyro, and wouldn't want to talk to him anyway. But there is a lot that goes on off forum, both for and against both people.
  5. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member

    Nah you're making some valid points :p

    Imo they both retaliated and took this way further than it should have been taken.
    I say unban Pyro and see where it goes from there. He acts up again, then he gets banned. Same goes for Splash.
  6. ZimsShi7z

    ZimsShi7z Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
    #101986 ZimsShi7z, Jan 16, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    Honestly echo really is lenient with you all. If it were up to me I would ban both people who were the main cause of discourse and time out everybody else who continued it, because this place isn't for discourse and arguing about stuff not pertaining to GD. This place shouldn't act like a chatroom, this is a forum, a forum for the game geometry dash, and it should ONLY pertain the topic of it. Like questions, or answers or showing of levels. Not just regular chatting. That is not what this place is for, you want to chat with people here? Make a group chat with discord or skype or something else. Not clutter this forum with all this chatter that doesn't belong.

    And all that say that pyro should be unbanned. No, a shorten maybe, but not UNbanned. He did disobey the rules and he should be punished, but so did many people here and they didn't get punished so what's the difference?

    All in all, this place needs to stay a forum, and you all need another place to chat. This is not the place to do so, this is a place to talk about the game.

    Now please. Cease all talk of this and either drop it, or move it to another platform.

    Being on topic, apparently 2.1 is submitted and the steam version should arrive today. Now, no starting a platform war because of this, there has been enough arguments so just deal with it and move on.
  7. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member

    Quoting for next page ^^
  8. GDDreamzy

    GDDreamzy Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    i have none, lol
    Inside Motion.
    IT'S REAL!!!
    HYPE HYPE HYPE!!!!!!
  9. zab100

    zab100 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    Stalking Robtop :)

    i just turned Gd to highest priority updates.

    finally apple doesnt get the update first
  10. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours
    Lol guys Splash PMed me about this
  11. GDDreamzy

    GDDreamzy Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    i have none, lol
    Inside Motion.
    Goldi, it would be better not to name any names in the moment, pls.
    But anyways... 2.1 IS INCOMING!!!
  12. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna make like 5 levels in the first week lmao
  13. zab100

    zab100 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    Stalking Robtop :)
    #101993 zab100, Jan 16, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    My name is Zain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Bluetoad is Will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    btw im streaming some games for about 5 hours like i did almost a year ago. just for waiting for 2.1
  14. GDDreamzy

    GDDreamzy Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    i have none, lol
    Inside Motion.
    Ya don't know my name ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( ͡° ͜&#6
    Whatever Niklas
    (Tfw my name is gay as shit, what kind of guys name is Jesse anyway?)
  16. GDDreamzy

    GDDreamzy Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    i have none, lol
    Inside Motion.
    God dang it!
  17. Iterro

    Iterro Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    As much as I want to agree with you, I have a few comments to make about this.

    Echo is probably one of the best moderators that we could have. He is very lenient and I think that's why this forum is able to be the way that it is. The thing I don't agree with you about is the chatroom part. If this forum was a Geometry Dash exclusive, completely on-topic place, it wouldn't be the same. There are other websites you can join that would accomplish that purpose. Now, if I asked you why you want to stay (if you do), I assume you'd answer that you like the people on here. You wouldn't really know what everyone is like if you had this forum the way you're describing.

    I agree a shorten might be best for Gerald (or, at least better). He would still get the justice people want for him while still being able to get on this forum every once in a while. The problem is Splash going unscathed. If Gerald gets a time out, Splash should probably get one too.

    I'm really not against anyone here, and I don't want it to seem that way. I just think this forum will run best if there is equality. Right now, it seems like it's The Forum vs. Gerald, and to me that seems wrong. I think the reason Gerald was banned was to stop the fighting until they agreed to get along. While the cause is reasonable, now I guess this whole thing has turned into a "he got banned because he broke the rules" sort of thing. We all break the rules now and again, and not always on purpose. If we got banned because we broke the rules, almost every single one of us would be banned right now, so Gerald wasn't banned for "breaking the rules."

    Now that that's out of the way for the time being, who's excited for 2.1 (with it being so close)!? ;)
  18. xShAdex

    xShAdex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Graphic artist,
    Outside your house with a cardboard sign.
    Farewell 2.0, it was a good time, with very innovative building, and I beat A bizarre phantasm (my highlight of 2.0)
  19. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    This is something I should clear up, because it appears to be the source of most confusion.

    As I said to a member of this community in private -
    The ban was NOT because of the isolated disagreement with Splash. It wasn't because the post got reported. It was a combination of factors. In the end it was his post history that influenced the decision.
  20. ZimsShi7z

    ZimsShi7z Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
    #102000 ZimsShi7z, Jan 16, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    Not much I want to comment about this but this. This place shouldn't be what it should be, people act too much like this is a chatroom (especially goldi, sorry) which it shouldn't be.

    For why do I stay, is somewhat because I like the people here, but now since I almost talk to everyone on other places I stay here for news/updates or geometry dash talk and since all there is, is arguing now I stay away from it because it's not what I'm here for.

    And as for me I'm pretty excited for 2.1 finally to be close, now I feel comfortable learning the new editor now that I know it won't change for awhile.

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