Universal Geometry Dash (by RobTop Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Raul GD

    Raul GD Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    *Insert big wall of text about Pyro here*
  2. Goldens

    Goldens New Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    This isn't my issue, but as someone who really hates watching stuff like this happen im going to chip in with a few points of my own. Forgive me for not really being a creator, but i have and do play the game. Anyway.

    I have known Splash for much longer then a year, and it takes a LOT for him to get angry i feel. To snap, like apparently he did earlier in the thread. The reason he snapped at something so small was because he has been harrassed by this person (Gerald) for literally over a year and has tried multiple times to try and get away from him. Im no moderator, but as having been staff before (on other media/sites), harrassment and ban evasion should raise many red flags.
    I dont see why you all had to get on splashes case, call me biased im waiting for it; but you all had to comment on his post(quote) and very much gang up on him.
    I dont like the way this is moderated at all, im happy echo banned Gerald, but now talking about a ban evasion and that he was banned unjustly? what? Someone whos been banned multiple times for bullying and harrassing and has targeted splash and others was banned unjustly?
    Im going to put in my personal complaint and say that this community has been very disrespectful to splash and others. He needs to find a better community and something he enjoys that does not involve people who act in these sort of ways. But i dont want to treat him like that, its his own choice, its just what i think.
    I just cant believe the way this situation was attempted to be sorted out. It sickens me.
  3. TwoPly Gaming

    TwoPly Gaming Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    Its an open server, anyone can join.
    Just follow the steps as instructed, then /msg me
    EDIT: It is 1.11.2
  4. Noobriks Cube

    Noobriks Cube Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    Murdering and Producing Pages on The Geometry Dash
    Literally right here in TA. But sometimes, I'll sc
    So many people have been stalking this forum for a while now. I wonder how many are still stalking and haven't made accounts yet...
    The leaders thing hasn't been a thing for a while now.

    Also, good news for the TeamTA collab: I got my effects to work the way I wanted to! :D I'm gonna take a break from it for the rest of the night. Now I just need to add the gameplay obstacles and finish off the effects, and I'll finally be done!
  5. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours
    1. Im on Splash's side AND Gerald's side.

    2. Are you saying Splash should leave TA???

    3. Pyro is banned. Gold is saying Splash should be leave TA. My life is already a mess on top of those two things. This thread for me is in ruins(maybe not 4 u, but for ME.)
  6. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours
    1. ok i'll pm ya

    2. I know, im already on.
  7. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( ͡° ͜&#6
    Just how about this: everyone seriously just CHILL OUT ALREADY!

    And to be honest, any community hates ton of people, so you can't say it's just Splash and this community. I recognize the name from a long while back, but I'm not sure entirely who you are.


  8. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member

  9. xShAdex

    xShAdex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Graphic artist,
    Outside your house with a cardboard sign.
    ahem.. kdude, you have zero knowledge of this so, uhhm chipping in was a tad invalid.
  10. Drink Me

    Drink Me Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    In a washing machine.
    Yes please! :)
  11. Noobriks Cube

    Noobriks Cube Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    Murdering and Producing Pages on The Geometry Dash
    Literally right here in TA. But sometimes, I'll sc
    Pyro is permanently banned, and that's that. It's all over. He's gone. So stop arguing.
  12. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( ͡° ͜&#6
    Third time Pyro has had an account to banned, but you guys cannot say he was avoiding ban on this. He had his account unbanned a long time ago.
  13. DoubleX

    DoubleX Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2015
    Professional Skrublord
    In your base, killing your d00dz
    There are so many things wrong with this post, so imma just go ahead and point them out:
    1. Nobody ganged up on Splash.
    2. The reason why I might have implied that Pyro was banned unjustly was because him getting banned was not entirely his fault.
    3. Pyro's only been banned ONCE.
    4. This "community"? What?
    5. It seems to me that Splash actually enjoys this game a lot, so maybe he won't be finding anything else he enjoys for some time soon.

    That's all I have to say, if you wish to quote this post, go right ahead.
  14. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( ͡° ͜&#6
    Let me just explain how it went:

    GTK was his first account
    PSJ3809 banned him permanently for a reason nobody knows.

    He created PyroPenguin, which he got banned on, though PSJ did that, he also reactivated the GTK account, which he used up until now. Now it's a new mod banning him.
  15. Iterro

    Iterro Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    Alright then. Let's see how many punches can be thrown before someone cracks, shall we? I feel like that's what we're doing right now. No matter how many people step in to defend Splash, it doesn't change what happened. Splash isn't a bad person, and I hope we get to be friends once this is over, but right now, we still have a few issues to solve. Splash was in the wrong by snapping at Gerald. I know you've known Splash longer than I have, but I know the situation a bit better. Gerald may be pessimistic sometimes, but you can't change that, no matter how much you yell at someone. He's currently trying to be better, and he hasn't said anything negative to Splash for a long time. In fact, the thing he said that caused Splash to snap wasn't harassment of any kind.

    As far as I'm concerned, there are more people against me than there are Splash. Nobody has ganged up on Splash. If anything, Gerald is getting ganged up on. You always refuse to look at what Splash did and are currently all focusing on Gerald, when in reality he did nothing wrong.

    I'm going to call you biased, because you've already stated your reasons for being so. You said you've known Splash and proceeded to make assumptions (which happened to be incorrect).

    You probably looked as far into this case as I believe Echo did. Maybe everyone needs a bit of a refresher as to what happened:

    Gerald made a comment along the lines of, "You're lucky, you have a few famous people that you're friends with/have played your levels."

    After that, Splash completely went off for no (apparent) reason about how Gerald was always so pessimistic and how he had worked for what he had.

    Gerald, feeling upset that he had been lashed out at for nothing, decided to push back. He got ridiculed until this point, where eventually he got banned. This is only the second time he's been banned. He hasn't been banned "multiple times" before. He did break a rule, but as I've said, we all agreed to give him another chance. Plus, we all break rules here. Just about every single person here should be banned, but we aren't because the rules are more lenient here than elsewhere.

    Nobody has ever been disrespectful to Splash (without reason). I don't know why you're acting like Splash's parent or guardian, but you're not. You're making the problem worse for him. If you want what's best for Splash, let us deal with the problem. We're not being unfair.

    You guys sometimes... This isn't what solves problems. It's what makes them worse. If they aren't solved when they arise, people tend to get angrier the longer they have to think about it. When they arise again, you get a seemingly random explosion of anger. Let it run it's course, and it'll eventually get worked out.
  16. xShAdex

    xShAdex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Graphic artist,
    Outside your house with a cardboard sign.
    True, not all things can be avoided with stop it
  17. DoubleX

    DoubleX Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2015
    Professional Skrublord
    In your base, killing your d00dz
    You are now my favourite person.
    I stated some of your points in my last post, and Neo said that Pyro was actually banned 3 times
  18. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member

    But this has been solved, since the arguments should now have stopped (but we're continuing to talk about them). If any more arise, then those people will just get banned :/
  19. Iterro

    Iterro Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    It hasn't though. Gerald is still banned, and people are continuing to bring it up. This kinda says it's not solved.
  20. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    No. But I'll be keeping an eye out on IPs. We'll go from here.

    That's what I always tell you guys!

    Sigh. I'm tempted to not say anything at all but here goes nothing:

    I'm entirely unbiased when it comes to you guys beyond the things that affect me as someone who (attempts to) keeps order. As long as no one causes trouble, I like everyone equally.
    Let me emphasize something though - my "job" is to keep order. I don't have to act on reports.

    Given previous circumstances, I made a decision. Having reviewed it again just now, I stand by that decision.

    For the record though, if Splash and Pyro can separately approach me and convince me that they'll be at least civil to each other on TA, I will unban Pyro/Gerald.
    Again, I'm not viewing this from the GD community point of view. I'm looking at it as part of the health of the forum.

    I did say that.
    I have looked at the situation and I have access to prior knowledge.
    Solving problems between members of the forum isn't what I do. My title isn't "mediator". I'm here to ensure certain standards of the forums are upheld and everyone has an equal platform from which to participate.
    Given that last part specifically, Gerald/Pyro shouldn't have had this account to begin with. I'm too nice to you guys.

    Time for honest talk. Nobody else on the moderator/admin team cares about this thread other than me. Would you rather be left entirely alone? I mean it. Think about this very carefully.

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