Universal Geometry Dash (by RobTop Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. DoubleX

    DoubleX Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2015
    Professional Skrublord
    In your base, killing your d00dz
    Are you sure that you aren't Kaptain?
  2. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( ͡° ͜&#6
    Welcome Iterro

    I know you said "leaders" aren't doing their job, but when held to a vote, a lot of people don't want leaders, including myself. I may have been elected, but I am never on when these fights happen for me TO intervene.
  3. Iterro

    Iterro Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    I'm sure :p

    I have been looking at what he's been doing for a while though.
  4. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours
    Pyro sent me a pic of this... i'll miss Pyro. i still have his steam, at least. ty for being here. welcome.

    and Splash... pyro hates you. he talks about it every day on Steam. sorry Pyro, i just cant hold it in. dont get mad at me on steam. im sorry that ive got in the middle of this.
  5. GDXolimono

    GDXolimono Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    Discord, nowadays.
    #101845 GDXolimono, Jan 16, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    well thats great

    pyro was banned.

    altho he did tell me to shut up once on steam... still unban him please

    the "well thats great" was sarcasm btw
  6. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member

    Jeez why are people taking this so seriously? I say unban Pyro and see what happens.

    Also about that whole 'leaders' thing, they weren't meant to be mods or anything, just the most responsible people on the forum (at least I think so lel) :p
  7. Splash

    Splash Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 24, 2015
    head leafeon of state
    in a fursuit or something
    that's not the full story- not by any means. i was having a horrible day and slipped up once by feeling insulted, perhaps unjustly (but i genuinely did feel insulted and hurt at the time), and posting an angry response. once- out of over a YEAR of trying to ignore his posts. later once i had regained my composure, i responded to him in pm to avoid keeping it on the forum and said that if he wanted to argue, we could do it there, but if he wanted to let the argument end, he could just choose to not respond to my pm as i had chosen not to respond to his post on the thread. he responded and said something like that i could respond to his pm "as i liked"... so i chose not to respond to it at all. and ever since then he's been trying to continue the conversation. he moved it back to the public thread by saying he was "still waiting for my response" without any context, and even sent me ANOTHER pm reiterating that i had no reason to be upset, or something, even though i hadn't said a single word to him in a full week about the argument just to try to let it be over with. and this is one issue. if you aren't aware, his old account (PyroPenguin or something like that, i don't remember the exact name) was already banned once before for these exact same reasons (harassment, starting fights, etc), and he only came back onto this account for the sole purpose of evading that ban- something he should never have been allowed to do in the first place. he was given a second chance, and abused the privilege again. and that's not the whole story either.. in the end, it's the ta staff's choice to ban him, not mine. but i believe it was justified. i even said that i'd willingly accept any punishment for having arguably started the argument by being offended by that, so long as pyro was also punished with the same standards. i've tried to stay out of this whole ordeal as best as i can, honestly- which is not always very well, especially when i'm getting directly, publically called out and baited into writing a response. but i've tried. that's all i can say. i really hope i don't come off as insulting by saying this, but the fact is, i've been here much, much longer than you, and better know both the workings of this forum and pyro himself. again, i don't mean any offense by this.. i just hope people understand that i'm trying really, really, really hard to use my best judgement with this. i make mistakes sometimes. okay. everyone does. it freaking hurts to see that my mistake of responding to him that day has led to all of this...
    but that's not the point.
    unless i really feel the need to, i'm going to do my best to avoid commentating on this issue any further; i hope this has cleared up any confusion you had to the situation, iterro.. bottom line is, this one incident is just the very tip of a massive iceberg of "pyro problems". welcome to the forum and i'm sorry your reason to join was so, uh,, unpleasant <3

    i know he does
  8. xShAdex

    xShAdex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Graphic artist,
    Outside your house with a cardboard sign.
    But it's not always Pyro's fault though, I see all of your conversations and pick it apart bit, by bit, not saying Pyro is entirely innocent, but in essence of it you aren't either..
  9. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours

    pls dont hate pyro. Im just saying. just PLLLSSS dont. I dont know why im saying this, but DONT.
  10. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( &#865;° &#860;&#6
    To Splash and Echo

    If I'm going to be honest here, both parties should either be left here, or banned. Both parties had caused an argument at one point or another, but this one seemed to start with Pyro saying Splash was lucky (which I would take as a compliment tbh) and Splash flipping his/her lid over it. I feel like both people had pent up frustration from earlier arguments, and Pyro was trying to vent on discord about it to calm down, but I do not think Splash had anywhere to vent to, so all that frustration came out. To be honest what should've happened is both of them seek out someone to help vent to, and not say anything until they were calm. But I do wish for Pyro's ban to be lifted, I'm not afraid to admit fault on both sides. I think a lot of the recent posts are kind of biased and uninformed, because a LOT happens behind closed doors. But the one thing I feel the need to say most is that Pyro and Splash should be equal, like everybody else. And I don't think permanent ban was the right reaction, even if you only ban him. If he has to be banned, make it a couple days to a week. But "come on, you've had your chances" should not be valid description for ban cause. Maybe you could have had a PM discussion with him over the subject? Just put them on equal ground, and let the drama stop, please.
  11. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours

    thats wat Pyro's been telling me, kinda. that Splash has done things. And personally, i knew Pyro did too cuz i see pretty much everything on here since when i joined. Theres very little i havent read. Im not sure how to respond to all of this.
  12. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours
    #101852 GoldiTheCat, Jan 16, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    I think this is a very good thing to say.

    but off-topic thing now to ease my stress:

    3 by 3 by 250 tunnel in survival Minecraft. boom.(it may be more or less, not sure.)

    Attached Files:

  13. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Wait, did I miss an entire argument that got deleted while I was gone, or is this all in reference to the previous argument?

    Well, anyway, I edited a video together of Edenharley's new level so you guys could all see it! It took hours to do...
    (Because of getting the right footage and problems with the files, not because I'm bad at editing.)

    How do I embed it?
  14. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( &#865;° &#860;&#6
    Splash, I don't know why you would think lucky is an insult, especially when he never said you didn't work for it too. But the "I had been having a bad day" part seems kind of hypocritical to me, because I recall those words being said by Pyro, and had been told that that is irrelevant and not an excuse for anger.

    Back on the "luck" thing:
    You are in a way lucky, luck plays into most things in geometry dash. From small things, like getting a level seen by ANYONE, to getting a rated or featured level. He said you were lucky because you were able to be in contact with a few well-known people, which, yes, does make you kind of lucky. But him saying that should've really been taken as more of a compliment.
  15. DoubleX

    DoubleX Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2015
    Professional Skrublord
    In your base, killing your d00dz
    It's pretty freaking unfair that only one person in a two person argument got banned :/
  16. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Well, Pyro has been banned before. :/
    (I was going to say that earlier when things started getting a bit tense, but didn't want to start an argument that I still don't know whether or not it happened.)
  17. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member

    Seriously, thanks so much for this :D
  18. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    No problem! I'm happy to do it! :D
    It is such an amazing level, I really want to get it featured. I saw that you've hadn't had recordings for a few of your levels, so I'd thought I'd do one for you. :)
  19. Geometry Dash Tgneostar

    Geometry Dash Tgneostar Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    High school student at Rochester High School
    The dankest darkest meme holes ( &#865;° &#860;&#6
    OK, chill

    Seriously guys chill out now.

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