Universal Geometry Dash (by RobTop Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours
    What did you do for him..? I'm confuzzled. What do you mean "You're done with him"? He PMed me to tell you he's sorry, when he told me he'd leave. What happened with you two???

    Pls tell me
  2. Gerald the Kid

    Gerald the Kid Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Back to nothing.
    Why do you want to know?
    Goldi,stay out of this.
    We don't need yourself in this.
  3. KaptainCPU

    KaptainCPU Well-Known Member

    Okay, let's just finish this here.

    Gerald, Vox did nothing to you, I don't know why you're trying to start something

    Vox, Gerald has gotten better. I admit he said something he shouldn't have but that shouldn't warrant the reaction you gave.

    We'll just wait and see when 2.1 comes out.
  4. Meepnax777

    Meepnax777 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2015
    NOT on a hype train...
    You're making it seem like you're hiding something, this isn't the forum for spamming non-relevant things like "we don't need yourself in this" (which makes no sense btw)

    So please, stop being cancer on this forum
  5. 2.1 was so close...

    I guess I'll just stay off of YouTube for a while, with the constant editor spoilers and "FingerDash" beta completions...

    I guess I can't blame Rob for this. I'm just impatient. Been more than a year and nothing's been released. Then World comes out and it's exploited as some sort of beta 2.1. It's days away and now apparently it's been rejected for unknown reasons. So we have to wait until next year while anything I do on 2.1 when it comes out will be after my winter break. Goodbye free time to make levels.

    But that's my fault. I've spent too much time on this game. I'm bad at playing it, I'm bad at building in it, I don't know what I see in it that makes me think I could ever succeed in a game like this. I've never had any motivation to complete any level I began (my 90+ unfinished levels will tell you that much). Why would 2.1 be any different? It'll just make it more difficult for me to understand how to build, so the popular creators go up while the beginners go further down. And that's my fault too.

    I remember when 2.1 was supposed to come out last December...

    Well, here's to a bright future for Geometry Dash. Wherever it goes.
  6. KaptainCPU

    KaptainCPU Well-Known Member

    Thank you for not blaming Rob. This post is still kind of irrelevant though and I don't think it should have been posted here. It's mostly you just throwing a pity-party for yourself. We're all disappointed, and we all know it. Please don't post it here, as we already have enough negativity that needs to be fixed. That's not to say that I don't agree with some of what you said, but we can address all of that later.

    You know what? Nobody really did anything wrong, and nobody is being cancer. Goldi really shouldn't be involved, and I agree with Gerald on that one. That's not to say I don't always agree with either Gerald or Vox. I don't know why you're trying to fix problems here. That's my job, so please let me deal with it, or we're going to have problems.
  7. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours

    Well I don't want to "start another argument", so if I don't wanna get banned I guess I should do what I said I was going to. Btw, I was just asking, so I'm kinda mad now. I'm not even sure what I did, I was just asking.

    I'm gonna type now...
  8. KaptainCPU

    KaptainCPU Well-Known Member

    You didn't do anything wrong, but it's best that you don't get involved. We'll explain it to you later.
  9. Yeah, I should really stop adding to the drama. But man, writing that made me feel a lot better tbh. Let's just all calm down and get to 10,000 on peaceful terms.
  10. Gerald the Kid

    Gerald the Kid Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Back to nothing.
    Why do you want to know?
    4 more pages to go.
    I call dibs on first post. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  11. KaptainCPU

    KaptainCPU Well-Known Member

    I uh... figured I should let you guys know this but...

    I'm leaving at 10,000.
  12. Raul GD

    Raul GD Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Can someone answer me pls
  13. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Hey guys, I have a question for you.
    After seeing GDW and the 2.1 editor, did you get any new ideas for what to make in 2.1?
    I sure did, I'm going to make a level called "Showdown," which contains a bossfight with the new fist decorations.
  14. Voxsteller

    Voxsteller Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2016
    Teaching people the art of being the real slim sha
    Most likely home working on comics or playing stea
    Same if pyro the dramaqueen doesn't stop being a low level brat and saying mean stuff to people.
  15. KaptainCPU

    KaptainCPU Well-Known Member

    We don't know. It's fake until we get proof.
  16. KaptainCPU

    KaptainCPU Well-Known Member

    Well, he could probably say the same to you after this post.
  17. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Aww... I liked having you on this forum.
    Well, goodbye if I'm not here at 10,000.
  18. Gerald the Kid

    Gerald the Kid Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Back to nothing.
    Why do you want to know?
    Well if you do,then it was a great time having you in the forum and you sharing your amazing music to us.
    Keep on doing what you're doing,Kaptain. :D

    I'm planning on building a fast-paced epic level based on the spider, titled "Arachnophobia". Had this idea since the sneak peek so nobody steal it.

    I'll also probably make multiple megacollabs, two featuring the songs "Activation" by Shut Eye and "Prelude" by TheFatRat, as well as another one based on Rainbow Road.

    As for effects, I'm not really sure. I don't know everything about the editor (cause I want it to be a surprise) and I'll look at what others do once 2.1 is released. For example, I didn't know you could create custom BGs in 2.0 until other creators used them and I was blown away.

    I hope nobody makes a level called "Arachnophobia" before I do. This'll be my proof I stated my intentions to make it first.
  20. Edenharley

    Edenharley Well-Known Member


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