Universal Geometry Dash (by RobTop Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Splash

    Splash Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 24, 2015
    head leafeon of state
    in a fursuit or something
    hey rob!! i wrote you a letter <3 posting it now, will probably also post whenever you come back again if it's not for a little bit..​

    Dear RobTopGames aka RubRub aka Robby <3,

    Hi!! My name's Splash. You may have seen me around these parts before!! TA is very close to me and is the main site I use to talk to people about geometry dash, much more than youtube comments and twitch streams combined. It was the first place where I immersed myself into the GD community; I guess you could call it my hometown. And I have a little bit of a feeling that, in a few ways, it's a similar story to you. People used this site to hang out with you, ask you questions, and shamelessly beg you to rate their levels for a long time before people did
    the same on twitch. That's why it's made me so dissapointed and confused that you seem to have stopped coming here. But I waited. I have friends here, sure, but streams are getting only more and more popular; I could switch there and get news on the game much faster. However, I stayed here and waited for your return for months. And when you came and left, I waited again. This same story can be told by many dedicated members of TouchArcade. And when I say this, I speak for myself, but I imagine that my beliefs are reflections of those of many others, too: it would make us so, so happy if you came back here more often. Maybe you have a secret alt account you use here that no one knows about. But in the chance that you don't: you seriously have no idea how empty it is without you. The activity we've had in the past 5 hours is more than we have had in any entire 24-hour day for months, and months, and months. It's been so long and you have no idea the happiness it brought me to see you had come back. Earlier, in our "TeamTA" Skype group, someone said to check TA right now, and then someone else messaged me telling me to check just seconds later- and IMMEDIATELY, the first thing that popped into my head was "IS ROB BACK?!" I doubted it. But I checked. And I was right. You had posted. I know that seems like a made up story for the sake of exageration, but I swear to god, it's genuinely the first thing I thought of right that moment. That's how much you mean to us.

    The second thing I wanna quickly do is just thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do. People give you so much grief about being slow and stuff, and while a lot of it is just friendly joking around, if I were you, it would hurt me a lot. I look up to you so much for being the person you are. Please just keep being you <3

    Okay, now onto the inevitable part you probably expected me to write about last: I'm gonna ask you to look at my levels. PLEASE DON'T STOP READING ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I hate having to say this here, but please, please, please, please, please, just hear me out. I spend hours upon hours every week building levels. I've put so much effort into it for so long, and yet I've gotten no popularity out of it thus far. And that's okay. There's nothing wrong with that- I still enjoy creating, and I intend to still do it! However, after all this time and still not a single thing to show for it, it's.. it's just starting to get a little hopeless. I've messaged so many famous creators on discord asking for their criticism on my levels but every. single. one of them. has ignored me, except for one- SirHadoken. Hado's comments on my levels helped me improve far more than any other one source in the game. He is an incredibly mature, respectful, thoughtful player and individual, and while this wasn't the intended direction of this post at all, I think he would be an incredible candidate for a GD moderator. Okay, now back to my main point: his criticism helped me VASTLY improve my creating skill, and so since everyone's ignoring me, I'm just saying screw it and asking you to take 5 minutes to watch a few of my videos and give me some comments on what's good and what I can do that would make it better. It would mean the world to me. Please. Your thoughts on my levels are something I have been seeking for almost a year now, I'm serious. Okay, so.. I'll try to make this as short as I can (I tend to ramble a lot, I'm sorry).. My GD name is "Splash". I have two levels I think are feature-worthy: Climax ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwe7fD4A0YM ) and Soul Spectrum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBKnMe_OeWM ). Soul Spectrum was sent by megaman9 to be rated 6-stars harder + featured almost 5 months ago and it hasn't been touched since. Climax has not been seen by any mods. I believe both of them are low-page feature-worthy. However, a star rating without feature would still be one of the biggest achievements of my entire gaming career nonetheless.. if you could just take the time to rate these two levels, it would make my YEAR, I kid you not. These levels, however, are a little outdated; I think these two videos represent my very best work:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xX7gkcL3uI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXp8QaSpHI4 . What do you think about it? What's good, what's not? Any comments at all would be so greatly appreciated.

    Okay, thank you SO SO much, I love you, please just keep being you because you're amazing and ily.

  2. zab100

    zab100 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    Stalking Robtop :)
    Key word: let
  3. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    #99343 GD CreativeGuy, Dec 22, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2016
    I totally agree. We've waited months for you to come here, and, it has been really exciting having you here.
    I joined in early April, right when I finished my first 2.0 level The Great Trump Wall. Since then, I've seen you post three times before today. One time when I was at school, therefore couldn't respond, and one was that infamous post.
    Once you are done with android, could you maybe chat here for maybe half an hour with us? We'd all really appreciate it. :)

    Also, Zab, I meant that he may not be awake at the time, etc, and someone will come along and post there, or too many people at once will post, skipping past page 10000

    Also, a playlist of all the GDW levels for whoever wants to watch them all in a row easily: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqO5qK6xo1dz-36lwpPmL19pSYq64zjZs
  4. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours
    Dang, Splash, this is worth reading! READ IT RUBBY PLS

    1. I've never talked to RobTop. When I saw him here, I freaked out, I'm very happy to be here, and happy to know that RobTop is back.

    2. Woah, this is long, I read it all, READ IT, RobTop, he deserves you, he's a awesome, kind person, and I think you should respond to this...

    RobTop... do it for Splash, pls :D
  5. zab100

    zab100 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    Stalking Robtop :)
    He is gone :(
    Also, when he releases it for Android he is probably going to sleep since he said he is tired
  6. GoldiTheCat

    GoldiTheCat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2016
    real gamer hours
    Hey Robby?

    I'd really appreciate it if you let us upload data again in GDW, and not (100%) because of editing levels, but mostly cuz it's really triggering my OCD about not having my stats :/
  7. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Hopefully he comes tomorrow.
  8. zab100

    zab100 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    Stalking Robtop :)
    Yeah. Also I remember robtop said that he has control over when updates are released so when (and if) Apple reviews the update on the 23rd, he should wait and check if everything is going to plan with other devices. Then release it on the 25th as a gift for everyone

    Almost 40 pages in a day. Woah
  9. DoubleX

    DoubleX Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2015
    Professional Skrublord
    In your base, killing your d00dz
    The fact that he's gone probably means he has sent GDW to Android and other platforms
  10. KaptainCPU

    KaptainCPU Well-Known Member

    I mean, you might get disappointed in the end.
  11. zab100

    zab100 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    Stalking Robtop :)
    He left so he could concentrate on the update
  12. ZimsShi7z

    ZimsShi7z Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
    I agree 100% that should happen
  13. Meepnax777

    Meepnax777 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2015
    NOT on a hype train...
    What have I missed?

    What is happening with this Geometry Dash World? I'm on android so I don't know much about it. I don't even know what the level screen looks like, all I know is that you can sneak your way into the 2.1 editor.
  14. There are 10 30-second levels split into 2 "worlds" of sorts. There are many features in it that will apparently appear in 2.1, like new online menus, a shop (I think), and a new currency system, along with some secret vaults. There has been a glitch. Normally you are not allowed to access the editor. Except some creators found their copyable levels and was able to use them to get inside the editor. I don't know what has been found so far, as I don't want to be spoiled, but RobTop patched it and it seems 2.1 is days away.
  15. KaptainCPU

    KaptainCPU Well-Known Member

    A day, according to some.

    Also, we could hit 10,000 at this pace before 2.1
  16. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Also, Rob, if you see this, whenever I pause a level in GDW, it never shows the name of the level. Is this intentional? Because half the time it does end up getting covered by an ad.
  17. PPA

    PPA Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    #99358 PPA, Dec 22, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2016
    Do any of you have discord? If so, what's your user id? (mine is 7Snails#9425)
  18. Gerald the Kid

    Gerald the Kid Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Back to nothing.
    Why do you want to know?
  19. GD CreativeGuy

    GD CreativeGuy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016

    If anyone else wanna add me, go ahead.

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