Genuine question: How the hell does Twitter work?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by MidianGTX, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    I only post about X-Factor once a week! Lol xP.

    But yeah, my stream is pretty much constantly about iOS games and Steam games. I'll be adding 360 games into the mix starting next week. Occasionally, I use it to tweet about what I'm currently doing in real life.
  2. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    #22 Booch138, Dec 12, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2011
    Fixed. ^.^

    Anyways on the subject at hand, I follow like around 400 people and have like... less than 250 followers. However I only converse with a select few. Twitter was mainly for news for me, like iOS stuff, Console Gaming, Political News, stuff like that. Then I also follow people that post random facts about shit, and other humourous goodies that make me laugh when I read. I don't post as much anymore, but I do once in a while. Like above said, usually about meaningless stuff ahhaha

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