General Apple Arcade Discussion

Discussion in 'Apple Arcade' started by Boardumb, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @MetaGonzo I get it. Anyway, doesn’t sound too harsh to keep me from subscribing though. Especially for the current price. Usually I’m quite strict if I make up my mind. Like back in 2014 with Ketchapp and multiple accusations from indie developers against them (even in this very forums) for stealing their ideas and releasing them as their own without paying them or giving credit. I never played a single Ketchapp game since, and never will! Still, this Playond service doesn’t seem as evil, so I’ll give it a go. Thanks for clarifying though. I appreciate it.
  2. DonnyDJ76

    DonnyDJ76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Hackensack, NJ
    Forgive me if addressed, but are there any Apple Arcade games releasing before Thanksgiving?
  3. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    Since Thanksgiving is on Thursday and new Apple Arcade games are usually added on Friday, it’s highly unlikely. But, no one knows for sure. Apple won’t announce shit upfront. Like how hard would it be, right? We just have to wait and see, eventually.
  4. DonnyDJ76

    DonnyDJ76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Hackensack, NJ
    Last week nothing new was released. The week prior, only one game was released.

    Wouldn’t it be the perfect time to drop new arcade games the Tues/Weds before Thanksgiving? (Or perhaps Black Friday)
  5. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @DonnyDJ76 it most certainly would! But we won’t know for sure. At least not before it actually happens. There’s still hope though. Which circles back to the fact no one knows yet.;)

    Yes, and the reason is they full-filed their quota. They brought what they’ve announced in the beginning: 100+ games. So I assume they’ll start removing the least successful titles first, before actually adding new ones. But again, it’s just a speculation. No one knows, except Apple.
  6. drpalland

    drpalland Active Member

    Nov 9, 2019
    I agree with @macplash regarding Apple’s promises being kept etc. And I too enjoy the slight lull in releases, as I still haven’t explored all of the games.

    My personal opinion - don’t get angry at me please - is that Apple scaled back on Arcade so they could focus on getting sales for titles clogging their catalogue. There are quite a handful of premium games for sale currently and most of these games have not received the attention they deserved.

    Is it clever to shift focus so early in the Arcade-hype? Only time will tell. But for now I can at least enjoy BitLife again.
  7. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Apple literally has nothing to do with the Thanksgiving sales, and nothing is "clogging" their catalogue. These apps are going nowhere and no amount of purchases of said apps are going to remove them from the App Store as long as developers are paying their yearly licenses. However, if you want to connect Thanksgiving to Apple Arcade, one could argue that nothing was released last week simply based on the fact that releasing an Apple Arcade game (or games) on a day when nobody is going to give a shit about checking out new games is entirely pointless and could possibly end up with the games ending up unnoticed when they're supposed to be in the spotlight.

    Also, I HIGHLY doubt Apple are going switch out unpopular Arcade games for newer ones at a later stage. Apple have always been kind to developers they associate with (Apple Awards [whatever they're called] and whatnot) and given how exclusive the Apple Arcade developer's club is, I don't think they're going to stab developers in the back. Especially since Apple themselves are producing these games.
  8. drpalland

    drpalland Active Member

    Nov 9, 2019
    Who said anything about switching out Arcade games? Why would Apple even consider that?

    I disagree with you, though. Respectfully. An Apple Arcade release wouldn’t go unnoticed during Thanksgiving - it would, in fact, have a completely paradoxical effect on the consumer. According to global market predictions, this week could be the highest grossing sales week on record.

    Due to heavy Americanization and the like, many countries have adopted Black Friday as their own. The globalization of the “Black Friday” legend creates two very important effects on society:

    1. Choice Paralysis: consumers are so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of digital content, such as games, that they fail to decide or make a choice regarding their purchases. It’s even more evident on Black Friday than over the Xmas season.

    2. Self-fulfilled Prophecy: consumers - or should I say all of us? - have a knack for making decisions before we know it. Most purchases or donations are based on more than the sum of its parts. Example: the smell of freshly baked cookies creates a sensory fulfilment, which then leads to a lack of cognitive dissonance.

    Once these “prophecies” are fulfilled, we are able to justify the amount we spent on the item that created the cognitive dissonance in the first place. It soothes us.

    Taking this into account, can you imagine how many consumers will be at home on Thursday in the USA? Millions of people will have all the stimuli required to purchase as many “sale” games as humanly possible. Come Friday, their satiated need for purchasing something random will enforce a primer. Example: “I bought so many games on the App Store yesterday... And I haven’t played any yet! Let’s check for more? It is Black Friday you know...”

    I did some research regarding the backlog of games and whether Apple might be doing it to enhance visibility? And according to what I’ve uncovered, it seems Apple wants to phase out certain games to make room for more. Why? Choice Paralysis. Plus Apple isn’t producing the Arcade titles - they act as the sole and exclusive distribution channel. Yes, they might have draconian control over what is released and by whom, but they are not the executive producers of these titles. Same with Apple TV+ - distribution, not exclusive production.

    I shall dig a bit deeper and see what I can find. You’ve definitely piqued my interest. Thanks for this.
  9. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
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    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Apple has absolutely produced many of the AA games.
  10. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    The post above your use by macplash talks about switching out AA games.

    Look, I hate to pull out the asshole card, but clearly your doctoral thesis wasn't on the App Store and I can argue that I used a screenshot of TouchArcade during my master's thesis defense, so I'm entitled to talk about this shit.

    I still don't understand why we're still talking about phasing out certain titles on the App Store. The concept of phasing out digital media to (?) for other digital media is fucking absurd. Apple doesn't even feature games on sale, regardless of the occasion, so I don't know where this is coming from. The only phasing out of apps on the App Store were those that were 32-bit and ultimately developers who lost their apps in the appocalypse lost them through their own doing. They were given ample time and warning to update their apps. Then again, I suspect you don't know about this.

    Lastly (truly...the fact that I opened this door on myself is bizarre. I'm showing myself out of this discussion as soon as I post this), your understanding of "Production" doesn't seem to correlate with the discussion here. Apple have allegedly spent over $500 million on the games you spend $5 on monthly. Yes, they HAVE produced these titles. All of them? I don't know. All the ones I've finished? Certainly. If you'd take the time to finish one of the games, you'd be greeted with a lovely little 'Produced by Apple' message in the credits.

    Alrighty, I'm done here. kthxbai
    adjusting likes this.
  11. Draven2222

    Draven2222 Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    We all know what the Appstore nearly become, we all seen it devolve into a breeding ground for conmen, raqueteers and profiteering schemes, click bait ads..vids.etc.. producing any old nonense and call it a "Game", this is the dark history of the Appstore.
    "The Game" had became secondary to the "pay to win" business.
    Apple are slowly phasing out this behaviour and taking the reigns of the Appstore, steering it's future to be more productive for Game developers and Gamers. hence Apple Arcade.. 3Dparty Controller support ..etc..
    They want to entice AAA devs to port their titles to Apple Platforms. by this, i mean PS4/XBX/PC Game developers, the "real" backbone of the gaming industry.The signs are there..the future is happening. i for one support them and excited to see the outcome of mobile gaming.
    If you dont like it... theres always the festering sesspool called Googleplay ;)
  12. drpalland

    drpalland Active Member

    Nov 9, 2019
    Calm down, dude! Please. I wasn’t trying to rile up anyone! I was merely offering interesting information with regards to Apple Arcade. Apple TV+ is a different field, which doesn’t pertain to any of the above, I know. But jeez! I didn’t try to knock someone... I thought someone would find it interesting.

    And I won’t pull out your proverbial “asshole card” and go off on some mad diatribe...


    What is up with this forum? Everyone loses their crap over randomness. And I don’t care about who has what degree and who or what they are.

    I do care if they cannot properly reply without becoming an “ad hominem asshole”.
    Draven2222 likes this.
  13. drpalland

    drpalland Active Member

    Nov 9, 2019
    Plus, as I wrote in my initial reply, “I disagree with you. RESPECTFULLY.”

    Respect being the key word here.

    Defend your thesis like an academic then. Don’t jump down my throat and act all insane and petulant due to pure disagreement.
  14. drpalland

    drpalland Active Member

    Nov 9, 2019
    Regards to Apple TV+, yes, the “EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION” of said shows.

    And FYI, while we’re being crazy here, I HAVE FINISHED MOST OF THE GAMES. Don’t pretend like you’re the only gamer here. We all are.

    I came here to learn and to impart knowledge, but clearly this forum is here for the sole purpose of random shitwars and flame wars.

    Oh, and an Apple Arcade game WAS released just before Thanksgiving.

  15. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
  16. Mike Kurrle

    Mike Kurrle Active Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    What are your favorite games so far?
  17. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Would LOVE to see Death Rally get resurrected. Used to love that game
  18. Maslan266

    Maslan266 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2017
    No new AA games for the last 2 weeks. Weird.
  19. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    I suspect you're posting in the wrong thread. :p
  20. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    I mean, Apple did fulfill their promised quota of 100+ games and (I'm not directing this at you, don't get me wrong) it's not their fault people were quick to download and try all of them in one fell swoop. That said, I still stick to my opinion that launching 70+ games in a go at launch was a stupid idea and they should've maybe tried to give us 20 games at launch and then spread out the rest of them generously over a 6 month period, or something. Then again, having Apple TV+ launch with what, 5 series (?) and Apple Arcade at 20 games would not have looked good at all, so I get it.

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