Universal Gems of War (by 505 Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. shadowkhai

    shadowkhai Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    For those looking for the chat
  2. Tonk Montana

    Tonk Montana Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    What he said above.
  3. Tonk Montana

    Tonk Montana Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    Here is something funny:

    Mojocuervo got matched with me in PVP (both are in TA Light) and won a trophy.

    I defended against him and won.

    Two trophies for the guild. ;)

  4. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    #544 ArtNJ, Dec 1, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
    I apologize to my guild, but my trophy winning % is down to around 60%, and its frustrating me. I'm going to finish the PvE content to max my income and revamp my team before I win a lot of trophies again. Hopefully, you guys can continue plugging and get us over 500 soon.

    My of my opponents are level 62-75 now. 40% have all legendary teams that I can't beat too often, and the remainder have logical level 10 teams that beat me sometimes. Neither of the two teams I've used really cuts it at this level.

    I'm not despairing...there is definitely room to improve my teams even if I don't get another legendary, but its going to take more souls than I have right now.

    If all else fails, I'm going to start writing down the names of the 5-10 all legendary teams I face. Just avoiding those will give me a respectable winning % again.

    (For the curious, I have two legendaries, Gorgotha and Shadow Dragon. Neither are bad by any means, but they don't synergies well without other pieces.)
  5. Machiknight

    Machiknight Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    TA light is in the top 10 already!

    Just a heads up for some of you who it isn't too late for: I am purposefully staying low level (doing strictly pvp since I've gotten enough souls to max my A team, pvp gives considerably less XP).

    This ensures my opponents are are very beatable, I've never seen one of those crazy all-legendary teams. I'm currently level 32.
  6. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    Kind of extreme. I think I will feel better about pvp if I stop with the macho-fight anyone attitude. There are definitely some people I need to avoid, but if I do that, I can win enough matches.

    You guys will probably overtake us soon. We don't have a ton of true trophy hounds.
  7. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Speak for yourself Art, I just joined! (After two weeks tryng hehe)
  8. Machiknight

    Machiknight Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Haha it's not really that extreme, I fell in love and spent like 40$ on this damn game on magic keys and have a pretty good team. The story on the story missions is so lame it doesn't incentivize me enough to want to play them, and I got the epics I like from keys. There are a few other epics I want, but not enough to not PVP and dump gold into the guild.

    I really wish there was more incentive to do the challenges, souls are great but getting something spiffy for completing all the challenges in a level would def make me work on them.

    I wish there was MORE in general really, more detail and info to the quests, more different types of challenges, just MORE MORE MORE! I loved the different kinds of puzzles in PQ2 for locks and doors and whatnot also.
  9. Beeble823

    Beeble823 Member

    Nov 13, 2014
    I'm around 75 and am using a pretty inexpensive team that has the ability to go toe-to-toe with the all-legendary teams. Hero, paladin, Templar, and Carnex. Carnex can be replace with any other strong monster, but the key was covering all six colors. I barely ever lose with this setup.
  10. tamykatakki

    tamykatakki Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2013
    Don't worry about it too much Art. It's not the end of all things if our trophy count isn't shooting up massively. I will admit I have a big list of players to avoid like the plague, a list of players I know I can beat and a list for possible wins. It feels a tiny bit like cheating but it does mean I don't end up fighting someone with 4 legendaries repeatedly.

    Will be upping my game on the pvp front when I can find the time. Real life is infringing on my game time :(
  11. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    I have to admit, I was disappointed when I got the 15th city, and nothing happened except an achievement. I figure that when I clear the last city, nothing at all will probably happen. I'm close, so I'll finish, but I agree there isn't a ton of point to it other than the income bonuses.
  12. tamykatakki

    tamykatakki Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2013
    Hopefully they add more content soon but I'm guessing quite a lot of us are ahead of the average player since we started at soft launch. Will be a while for others to catch up and get to our point so maybe one day...I adored the treasure chest and locked doors puzzles. They were great
  13. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Think I read one of the devs say that there were more areas/cities to come, hence the blacked off areas on the edge of the map. Not sure when though.
  14. Machiknight

    Machiknight Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Hey guys, here are the most recent info on the next update. LEVEL UP YOUR LEGENDARIES AND EPICS NOW WHILE THEY ARE CHEAP!

    Patch 1.0.3 will be hitting the servers soon, so we thought everyone might enjoy seeing what’s coming up. We’ll step through the major features here, looking at each one in some detail. Final numbers may still be tweaked here and there, but this will definitely give you an indication of what’s in store.

    1. Troops can now level to 15
    Five more levels for extra power. To account for the fact that rarer cards generally are more powerful, cards will now cost extra Souls to level the rarer they are. The good news is that may help us see a bit more variety in a lot of the lineups.

    Level 15 Troops

    2. Heroes now gain stats after level 50
    Actually we’ve snuck this change in already, You may have noticed your heroes gaining more stats at 60, 70, 80, and onwards.This helps offset the fact that troops have some added power now too.

    * +1 LIFE at levels 60,90,200,750
    * +1 ATTACK at levels 80, 300, 1000
    * +1 ARMOR at levels 70, 150, 400
    * +1 MAGIC at levels 100, 500
    3. You can disenchant multiple troops
    Ever used a few keys at once, and then had to search through your troop list to disenchant the extras? No longer! Now, when you disenchant, you have a choice of three things:

    * Disenchant a single troop like you did before
    * Disenchant all extra troops of this type, down to x1
    * Disenchant all extra troops of ALL types, down to x1
    New Disenchant Options

    4. Your Home Kingdom now has a DEFENDERS button
    It used to be difficult to know who was defending your Kingdom while you were off attending to more mundane matters. Now we’ve added the DEFENDERS button to the Home Kingdom, you never need to be confused again (except maybe about algebra, but that’s okay)

    Defenders Button

    If you select that shiny new DEFENDERS button, you’ll be taken to this menu. You can now select which banner will defend your Kingdom from invaders.

    Defenders Menu

    5. Weekly Events now reset PvP rank, and award souls
    We’re still figuring out the exact rewards, but the higher your rank, the more Souls you’ll get! Then it’s everybody back to rank 15 and off we go again! This change will take effect even if the patch has not been released at the end of the current event. You won’t see the message about receiving Souls if that’s the case, but you WILL still get the Souls.

    6. We finally have a News Menu
    We have added a menu that we can use to pass information on to all of our players. It’ll save everybody needing to read a website or forum to keep up to date with anything important.

    So when is Patch 1.0.3 exactly? It’s difficult for us to say. We need to send it to Apple for approval and that will likely take longer than a week. We certainly can’t release features like extra troop levels on one platform first! So stay tuned and we’ll keep you all updated via the website and via Facebook/Twitter/Google+ when it’s coming.
  15. Lacedolphin3

    Lacedolphin3 Member

    Dec 2, 2014
    It's been forever since I was active on TA but nothing can bring me back but a new Puzzle Quest!! Yep, addicted again!

    Here's my issues:
    I'm in a guild but seems like only 4 of 10 are still playing, including myself, are there any TA or active guilds still open?

    Which brings me to my second issue, money! Lol
    I'm slowly grinding up, taking my time to finish all challenges and everything plus invading a few times a day, but at level 37 after buying the next town for 1000, and loosing a couple times on the main quests my bank is broke until the day rolls over. Is this a common problem with the higher levels that I need to watch out for?

    My invite is Lace 2
  16. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    Well, if you log in 7 days in a row, you get 525 gold at 7 pm EST for your daily bonus. (500 plus any guild gives you at least a 5% bonus, 25 gold. Higher tier guilds give a bit more.) Main city is 515 if you have finished the quest line, each additional city is 20-45 gold depending on how far you've gotten. So your looking at around 1100 gold a day, give or take. So that is a good amount of gold to play with.

    Your not going to be able to buy a city and do a ton of missions on the same day unless you enhance your income with PvP. If you don't want to do the pvp or are not making money, you just need to buy a city every 2 or 3 days instead of every day.

    While winning missions normally does lose gold, you shouldn't be *losing* very many missions by level 37. What troops/levels are you using, and what else do you have? We can probably help you tweak your team.
  17. HippoHumper

    HippoHumper Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    Anyone else having issues with the app not loading? I've had it for about a week and played it every day but now when I open the app I get the initial title screen where it says it's loading but it never loads. Wondering if this is a common problem or just me?
  18. tamykatakki

    tamykatakki Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2013
    Had this before. Tried reinstalling and everything no dice. Ended up contacting support and they fixed it for me
  19. buttcrown

    buttcrown New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
    Me too.
  20. Lacedolphin3

    Lacedolphin3 Member

    Dec 2, 2014
    Actually I think I may be playing and winning so much a day, I broke myself! Lol

    I have only unlocked the first three(finished completely the first 3 quests and challenges) working on the 2 on the left. I'm level 37
    With 3 (actually 4 to switch out if needed)
    All level 10 archon statue, paladin, dryad, Lady sapphire It's the best of the ones I've pulled, 3 heavy hitters and a healer, and a switch lol old school rpg set-up. Lol

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