I'm probably missing something obvious here, but is it possible to delete a hero and/or have two heroes available on the same device?
You can't have two on one device as far as I know. You can delete your character if it's not linked to an account by uninstalling the game and re downloading. If it is linked then the only option I've seen is to create a character on a different device and then link it to your account. It then gives you option of which character you want to keep
Can you PvP with a friend? To me, the best part of Puzzle Quest 1 was the ability to level up and play against a friend. My wife and I would play a match or two everyday and slowly leveled up. Every iteration since has either not had the feature at all or didn't allow leveling up which meant having to play the campaign which she often times doesn't have the time for.
No ability to directly challenge another player in PvP. Invade will randomly match you against opponent that is close in rank. If you could challenge a friend, they would more than likely have to remove all rewards as it could be abused.
What? People would abuse directed PVP? I think you're underestimating the moral fiber of the gaming community.
ok noob question how do I set a defence? I have attacked people and sometimes I fought 4 and sometimes I fought 2. That had me wondering if I have a 4 person defense or not. How can I check who will fight once I do get attacked? Is it based off of the creatures you have for that particular city only? THanks in advance, aconfusedkender
Thanks bro for the answer! I'll keep plugging away then with my game. Almost done with all the challenges in the Broken Spire. My goodness this game has some length to it to complete. I LOVE IT!!
Loving it too! I like how you're not forced to purchase anything with real cash except voluntarily. Haven't hit a pay wall yet
I'm glad that I decided to start over, as I had run into a brick wall against that Lava Wyrm and lost a ton of money. This time, I found a Templar and an Owlbear early, and the two of them were key for that fight. I also found my first Shiny.
Small update downloaded. So far all I can see is the cost of unlocking new cities has been raised.....now they all seem to be 1000 gold, and battle costs 70......
Also found for the challenges you earn souls for each level instead of just the final 5 star one. Soul gain goes 5, 10, 15, 20 and 100. You now gain an extra 50 souls from doing challenges
Detailed patch notes can be found here for those who were curious http://gemsofwar.com/patch-notes-1-0-2/
Nah, city cost goes up with every city you unlock. Well, I think it might be 500, 500, 750, 750 then go up with every city. Anyway, my next costs 2,000! So yeah, I give the guild "rest breaks" on contributions now and then because otherwise I'd never save for another city.
Thanks for the reply. Also managed to get the last spot in Willows guild which I'm chuffed about.....however I successfully invaded another player and it isn't showing in the activity log. Was several hours ago as well. Have also contributed a small amount which will increase as time goes on.
There are still bugs in this regard. I just posted on the developer forum because on the activity log for Match Masters, we are 8-2 in our last 10 trophy battles -- and only show 1 trophy in the rank list.