Dev- Need to really add see ability to preview what happens when you upgrade an item the additional abilitys. Such as +42 Armor Photon Strike: Automatically fires Photon Missiles that deal 96 damage. Reloads in 2 seconds. when you hit the upgrade button This item will gain: Armor 42 -> 60 Photon Strike: Automatically fires Photon Missiles that deal 96 -> 117 damage. Reloads in 2 seconds. edit: Also I agree that the bonus missions, are all way too hard. even for an upgraded ship. I have yet to beat a single one. They are so hard in fact that i've rage deleted the game twice now.
Just put this game on my phone and man it is awesome!!! It gets hard pretty quick though. Any chance of an endless mode in the future ( not that all these sectors won't keep me busy for a long time) Great game
Does anybody know if multiple instances of a same effect stack? For example, can I equip 2 items with "60% chance to block X damage"?
Bonus missions are a mixed bag for me but I think their difficulty is okay. I win some and lose some. I realized that the cargo mission boss has different variations. It's one variation that always murders me. The bounty hunt used to be the hardest for me but the best strategy is to save the best boss killer power up you pick up and make sure to use it on the boss and memorize his movements and where his weakpoints appear. The cargo is harder because those mini bosses put up invincible shields have the time and pummel you.
They do stack although I'm not entirely sure of how. I've been using two "85% chance to block 50% damage" parts and the damage reduction is incredible! There's still a chance to take full damage but with all the armor and healing I have, I've already broken the game's difficulty.
Well I just so happen to have two of that as well. The result is that you get healed for the same amount twice. I'm guessing shield durations won't stack.
I'd like to second this post. A compare item screen would be very neat as well. Getting similar items with different boosts or effects are difficult to compare and decide which you want to keep/use. Overall, really like the game and you got me hooked from the start!
please update the story , i havent seen anything popping up after sector 50... and surprisingly this action-based game felt so boring for me without all the dialogues. oh, and i dont think there is a need to nerf blockades, they are easy because you can make predictions since the beam and missiles are fired in a fixed pattern. Mine is pretty easy as well, I find asteroids the hardest.
I'll let the video do the talking. Sector 42.3 Asteroid mission supreme pro gameplay: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Damn so the game goes on forever? Love it. Though it is sad there's no story afterwards... would love at least some dialogue. As for boss variants, maybe you could at least do palette swaps?
I love the Raikou's huge 30% damage boost and fast rate of fire. Glass cannon but nothing a good setup can't fix. Strike Eagle has a good mix of damage and defense plus 2 homing EMP missiles every 2 seconds. Works great even against shielded elites! The stun goes through shields and stops channeled laser beams.
Really? EMPs are my favorite bonus skills but their biggest draw back is that they pretty much bounce of shields. Is there something I'm missing. I know for sure my EMP scatter shots don't disable mini bosses with their shields up. My favorite ships by far Sakura class ships (Raikou). Their beam attacks add some great damage on top of fast fire. I actually don't like the slower, stronger ships. For a similar good ship I'd recommend the Artemis class (Evira). They're basically the opposite of the Sakuras except they fast fire. More armor + scatter shot. I'd buy the Anvindr just for fun as a fall back if I get frustrated but the Odin ships are pretty OP. I'd recommend not using them too much since they require very little skill.
Currently Eidolon class is my goal, how is it compared to Sakura or Artemis class? But regarding Odin class, does the Odin shield has a cooldown or a one time in a fight only? Because I already have a Static Shield skill equipment that does the same but reloads in 30 second
I'm not getting my daily credit? And on the screen where it shows how close you are to the boss, it doesn't look like I have hearts, but I can go into levels. Anyone know what's wrong?
I actually don't like the Eidolon class. That's the first one I went for. It's powerful but the main attack shoots in random directions. It's good for crowd clearing but not so good for aiming. However since it's decently strong that's not too much of a handicap.