Universal Gangstar Vegas - (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    I never said I have beta test gangster Vegas, and have you read the full forum.
    That guy is like a stalker.
    And please, I am not a professional game reviewer. I didn't go to college for that.
    I am not a pro reviewer. But I can give my opinion on things.
  2. richdmoore

    richdmoore Active Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    I just played the newest version of Gangstar on my iPad Air 2, it looks like they fixed all the weird graphical issues that I had before. It works good now. (I still wish I could remap the buttons to fire/drive using the triggers, but I can see what I am doing on the previously "dark" levels.)
  3. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    Whait,what?Me??Haha...Jeez kid,you made my day :D
  4. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    #1604 madreviewer, Dec 17, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    Reviewer= somebody who write reviews ,
    I am not a game journalist,
    And where do u see me saying to devs that I am a pro journalist?
    And did they tell you that
    And u are defending freemium.
    Haaaa!! I tought i seen it all.
    I am not going to leave any fake reviews, even if I am participating in contests

    Gangster Vegas is not perfect, it has it's flows.
    And for that reason I hated it.
    And now it becomes a freemium.

    I hope they do not add energy bars
  5. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    Does it takes advantage of metal?
  6. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
  7. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    And after checking the update and going through it, the conversion to F2P for existing players has made absolutely no bloody difference at all to their ability to play the game in the very exact same way they were able to beforehand.
    The only real changes are purely cosmetic based, a cooler looking vehicle maybe, a different gun or something else insignificant to someone who has already purchased and played it.
    How it affects brand new players, I don't really know or care but my save profile was intact, I got some free diamonds, I still have my 50 million in game currency and it plays exactly the way it did before. There's a few extra cars/guns outfits that I won't be buying but big bloody deal.
    So let's people not get in a twist over something that doesn't actually affect them in any real way.
    You'll still be able to get the future content updates for free, just not all the items in them without iap. Big deal. It's not like there wasn't a huge array of stuff in there already.

    It's amazing what people go nuts over. Something converts to F2P just to sustain itself and future updates (while still not really affecting early buyers) but when premium studios pull out of iOS because people won't buy premium games and nobody even bothers to comment or give a crap.
    People really need to adjust their perspective beyond their own little worlds and look at a bigger picture.

    The game simply was unsustainable going forward. At premium, no downloads, no money, no updated, no future support, end of story.
    At F2P, downloads, revenue, future support.
    There is still nothing in this update that will impact existing players other than some top weapon is iap or whatever and does that really affect gameplay? No, it doesn't.
    Updates do though and revenue needs to be generated to get updates.

    @madreviewer, let's just let this thing go and move on.
    There really is nothing in here to get bothered about. Gameplay is the same and the F2P only means the game will be updated and improved in the future. That's a good thing.
    Staying at premium, it simply would be unsupported and not updated in the future.
    Really as simple as that. I know which one is the better option, even for the existing players that feel a need to rage despite still getting the better end of the deal.
  8. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    That is very very true sadly. A dev goes bankrupt or leaves iOS as they cant make enough money and no one seems to feel guilty about waiting for price drops or waiting to grab it when it went free for 24 hours over Xmas. Hardly anyone comments. One less dev on the scene which is very sad.

    As you say the second a game goes freemium then lots of users go crazy !!
  9. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    That means chill before you get banned for lying about something you didn't do and flaming the forum with Freemuim rants, kid.
  10. richdmoore

    richdmoore Active Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    No idea how I would even know. At least they fixed the graphical issues that I had on the iPad air 2. It plays fine now and looks very good.

    One thing they did that I didn't like was that they took some of the items you use to buy with in-game-cash and now instead they make you buy in premium currency. (To be fair, they did give my 160 in premium currency when I loaded the new version for the first time. I think it basically gives you the same amount of premium currency as the game originally costs.)

    The lowest purchase of premium currency is 40 diamonds for $2, with a bonus for larger purchases.

    The first free-now-premium item I noticed was the body armor, which can used up quite a bit during the harder parts of the game (alien missions for me.) Health packs are still using in-game cash, although they have some kind of premium health pack as well, not sure what the difference is.... Some cars and weapons (Rocket Launcher III in the pawn shop) are also diamond only.

    They still kept the key system that you use to unlock packages, and the VIP stuff that gives you bonuses for spending real money, no change that I saw. (But I never used that system.)

    I guess it's a good thing that I finished the basic story a week ago (even with the graphical issues that made some missions a pain in the rear.) I am not a fan of the free to play model with premium currency, as I always feel like the developer is trying to put his/her hand in my wallet. A game with a one time purchase option to unlock everything is preferred by me if a game must be freemium.
  11. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    #1611 madreviewer, Dec 17, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    Lying? Whaaaaat? Do you have any judgement?
    There is no where in that forum I have stated that I have beta test gangster Vegas.
    And my answer to that issue was very sarcastic
    That dude is not my dad, nor my mom, and " you know me too much"
    I am not even taking him seriously, he is just reacting to my previous post.
    And why would I lied about beta testing.
    I do not want fame, like some people.
    I am just speaking my mind.
    I have stated that I don't like that game. And I don't like the vio aspect of it.
    I do not have to be dishonest about my opinion because I don't have my hands in the pockets of developers
  12. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Indeed, very disappointing.
    And the expectations of unlimited free support and content updates.

    Ah, nothing can be done, I'm still just savage annoyed about Nightmare only getting 7000 paid downloads.
    The end result of that and still people expectations or understanding hasn't changed.
  13. jaysraptors_to

    jaysraptors_to Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    #1613 jaysraptors_to, Dec 17, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    I'm disappointed, I understand the game probably wasn't selling well enough so they decided to make it f2p but what does this mean for the future of the gangstar series? I was looking forward to the next gangstar game but not anymore. I rather a new gangstar game be released for $7 rather than free. I will not be updating to this new update.
  14. ImJPaul

    ImJPaul Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
    I came here to read about how this game works now and instead I have to listen to a troll spew incoherent (and quite poor) english about the same old. Quiet troll!
  15. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    Me too
  16. Lemmonz

    Lemmonz Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2014
    I just can't hold it in anymore... the guy in this game is Eminem and no one can tell me otherwise! He looks like him, sounds like him, and it just bothers me for some reason.
  17. walmartpolice

    walmartpolice Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2012
    Sucks devs can't make games to last.
  18. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    New update adds some interface changes and some new shading effects among other assorted effects, but decreasing other things that a slightly noticeable but not at all bothersome. I actually kind of like the changes and it looks as if it's leading to some new add-ons in the future and shows Gameloft is still supporting the game.
  19. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Here's a photo, I selected some clothing that you'll notice the change in.

    Attached Files:

  20. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    Still no interesting world to explore.
    What about a cheap zombie mode or multiplayer?

    With rockstar bringing their games to iOS gameloft should better make the game interesting.
    Or they will just go freemium forever, and will loose their fame

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