What's the purpose of sending back the same gift you received....does getting an item as a gift unlock it for purchase in the shop?
Finally is weekend! , after the job Ill send you my news items. Few minutes ago I sent you the military box. And this is my new gif Anyway enjoy your military box.
Yea I know exactly what this is. The limited edition could only be obtained in the shop within the first 3 days of the game released. Could you send one to me please? I've been looking for it after it dissapeared from the shop. Thanks GC should have the name something with "Alec"
What?! I swear I sent you the Ex AR. I will send it again. Sorry -.- Edit: in my next post I will give a screenshot to show proof I sent it to you. So sorry :/
Hi Ryan, I got a problem My friend sent me a weapon called the "Experimental AR" and I gave it to him back as promised, however he instead received 20,000 money and started to think that I tricked him. Could you tell me what is wrong with the gift system? Because everyone is calling me a scammer now. I sent my friend another Ex AR.
As promised here is my proof. Tso please do not call me a scammer, there is something wrong with the gift system. Sorry On the YES button you can see a hollow yellow box surrounding it. I only had a split-second to take a picture of the proof.
Its alright. Lets just hope others won't consider me as a scammer and hopefully the gift system is fixed by now. I wonder why you got 20,000 instead of the Ex AR... Edit: did you recieve the gift I sent you?
Disregard this post. View my response below! This isn't a bug and nobody is a scammer. It's just a "call for help" feature that sends players $20,000. It is a separate feature from the gift giving option
Yup I got it. Sorry about that. Looks like Mysterio had that $20,000 glitch you had. Sorry again dude. Forgive me for accusing you of being a scammer?
Hey all, just talked to my developer buddy and he said that the $20,000 "gift" isn't a bug with the gift giving system. It's part of the "call for help" feature which is unrelated to giving gifts. There's a chance you might be selecting a specific player using this feature and that's what results in them receiving the 20k instead of the item.
Well that is weird. 20k can't get you anything lol. Well grenades I think and health. Should be like 100k. I think it would be better. Could you ask for this feature for the game. Ask if Gameloft could make it so we can choose points to make our own race tracks? Could be in the air, water, or ground. Would be cool if we got to, also put barriers on the ground to make a cool race track in the desert. When submitted there will be a random option button you can click and at random you could race someone else's track they made. Also for freefall, we could choose our own points and we test it before we submit it for everyone to play. If it is incomplete it will say not ready for submission. Hope you like this idea.
Well, I'm disappointed, I always gift you some interesting items like jet,experimental ar, sea rug, etc. And nobody send me nothing, just Evan so know I don't have money for buy other items, so my last gift was the military box. Anyway no more gifts