So you learned as well. NICE If you guys want the hovercraft, do the delivery mission Savvy Shipment. Find the checkpoint by the large bridge outside of vegas. On the rocks there will be a person waiting at the dropoff standing on rocks, there you will find the hovercraft, or Sea-Rug. Hope this helps :3
I just googled The Bustard (Military apache) is so OP. Has both the machine gun and missiles which you can change and the missiles fire pretty fast. It's also very tough.
I know where to get it. It's easy enough, well kind of. Go to the military base and you'll find it there. Just make sure not to die on your way there. The Bustard can only withstand a few tank shells from the Jackelope before it's toast. You'll probably need a repair kit because it might be damaged as you fly out under fire. Escaping is easy after that. If you own every single property in the game you get 277k from all 4 distrits upon owning all of them.
I have all the properties. Hey do you have the laser gun? Or guitar? Or the 3 new vehicles? I will gift you an orange box for them.
Other gift, thanks dude! I really appreciate. I sent the experimental gun wahoux For my friends of Game Center I will send you the experimental gun, but when you have it, you need to buy other and send me please.
Yes first the experimental and send me again the experimental, the reason is when other user wants the laser I don't need spend more money