I spend around 4 millions and 50 keys in the sport box and I don't have lucky with the Hurlbat Somebody has this biker?
Danny I dont know what happened but I opened one of the sport boxes and now I cant buy any again. Same thing happened to me with the orange box. Can you send me another sports one?
You know you got sent the jet, do you have enough to buy another? I'll send you another box even if you don't send me a jet though
Danny please send the sport box to amenbrtieher and ill send you the jet. You know I don't have problem We are friends
Well I was sent 1 orange box, opened it and the option to buy more waa gone. Then I got sent another 1 and it stayed an option to buy more after that.
Awesome dude! Please add me and send me the Hurlbat. MysterioMx Danny I'm waiting for the confirmation of amenbrother