Alright! Looking forward to the update! Though it is still lockedz for me, still haven't gotten around to loading it up yet!
The question would be, what don't you have lol. So I could give you. Also you said other people don't nee to give you anything. But it is alright. I will give you whatever. But I have to make more money to buy another one of it.
Anyone got a jet? I will send one back. I just need to have one in my garage so I can buy more and send one back.
Oh i had 10mill now no money. I bought lots of boxes. Thanks anyways. I got the hurlbat bike thing. Are you sure laser gun is in this box?
Thank you so much Danny!! And for my contacts of Game Center sometimes Ill send you a random gift(car,weapon,clothes) but all of them level 3 and maybe tomorrow ill send you one of the new cars o weapon depends of the price. There are my contacts Amenbrother The_real_racer Bramblett05 And I don't know if this contact is from here. xwahousx