The best advice I can give you is to reset the game so you can get the indie car(which I posted how to on page 60) and get the orange box again.
ahh, unfortunately, restarting games are on of the things I dont do. The indie car looks real nice, but considering the thing about paying money just to deliver a car, if i can i'll pass on it. But if it appears in a pawn shop, thn I'll get it, got 5 mil to spend. Gangstar Vegas is actually a really great game if you tk the fact tht it has 1 update so far; 2 if you count the upcoming weekend.
Hopefully we can get the fighter jet and hovercraft in an update later on like how we got the patriot car and are the Indy. Once we get all of those vehicles vegas will be a blast to explore
I just got lvl2 GL Series from pawn shop. Lvl1 will cost 1,125M to buy, lvl2 costs 337K to deliver and you can sell it for 101K. Handling is pretty awesome
You can get he fighter jet. You just need an orange box and a lot of keys, depending on how lucky you are. The fighter jet is in the orange suitcase which you obtain via connecting to facebook first time, but remember, always have TWO of them as opening the orange suitcase when you only have one will make it disappear, making the only way possible of getting the jet fighter unreachable. If ever you already did the mistake of opening the orange suitcase when you only had 1 of them, the only other way is to get a friend to trade you the orange suitcase, if they haven't used it up already. I did the same mistake, waiting for my friend to get the game so that he can trade me one orange suitcase.
Is game progress saved to Facebook or Gameloft servers so the game can be played across multiple devices?
Yea, but u only get it ONCE for the FIRST time u connect 2 facebook. The only ways to get a 2nd Orange Suitcase is to either get a friend to gift u one or to buy another one once u obtain it for the first time. NOTE: REMEMBER, DO NOT USE A KEY ON THE ORANGE SUITCASE WHEN YOU ONLY HAVE A SINGLE ONE AS THAT WILL MAKE IT DISAPPEAR FROM THE SHOP. ALWAYS HAVE AT LEAST 2 ORANGE SUITCASES IN YOUR POSSESSION.
Saves to gamecenter. If you ever delete the game from you're device, always keep gamecenter info. There's a question when you delete to remove from gamecenter or keep. Always select keep just to keep you're progress.
yes, you can. once you obtain the orange box via connecting to facebook 1st time, it will appear in your shop. When it does, tap: buy so tht you now have 2 or just continue buying. Always keep at least 2.
I got the Jet Fighter today by opening the Orange Box, I was damn happy I would upload a screenshot of it in action if you guys can tell me how to upload a screenshot :3 P.S the name of the jet is Hyvel, and how many people own it btw? I'm the top of the leaderboard in Airfield Anatics mini-game mainly because I used my jet to obtain it XD