Argh Jak, such a show-off. Oh well, hopefully they'll choose more later, I see only 3 people on this forum that have been chosen. *still has hope*
Dear Gamevil, we're not sure if we're still on time for the football ball contest, but we'll apply with these two drawings. My kid (he's 7) wants to show you his drawing. He wants the ball so badly and did his best... Instead this is my super player. I'm not sure he'd be a great player considering his dimensions... Waiting for soccer superstars!!! SJ. [EDIT] : somehow I can't show the images...
I just realized that I got in to the CBT 2 days ago lol.. The messages they sent me were marked as Spam for some unknown reason...
Here are the winners for the super player event. Most Creative - aznriceboi13 Most Outrageous - barkuto Most Wicked - jounieen Most Ridiculous - sixes Most Hideous - iVaro Thanks to everyone who participated in the event. The winners will receive a PM, please check your inbox.
I remember this game in the Video Arcade (aka Game Center), the soccer rule in this game was ridiculous and every time you score there are random sexy girls congratulating you .... It's hilarious.
The CBT is technically done now since the developer gathered the feedback from the forum this morning (EST)..... can't wait for the release!!! (unintentional bump .. lol)
What...!? I have been waiting for something similar. Not a baseball fan, but I love football/soccer whatever....