Thank you so much for testing and the quick reply! Awesome! Btw, Cave games are coming to Steam and they plan on doing Mac versions as well after the initial releases.
Tiny Thief Anybody else having a problem with Tiny Thief? On my iPhone 6 it is stuck on the title screen.
I've already Mentioned this,EA Has pulled from the store,with others old Games,Like Dead Space,MASS EFFECT INFILTRATOR had serious Incompatibility Issues with iOS 9.The Problem it's that Being pulled,Can Be Play only until work=iOS 8.3,I've one of my devices that I stay on iOS 8.3,so no problem with this titles.
i just checked if i have any EA games left on my devices.Fortunately not. I'm SO much done with this company,i won't download anything from then again.
Totally Agree,At the Beginning,when Born The App Store,EA was having Great Premium Title,then,they switch to Fremium,But Game like Dead Space,Mass Effect Infiltrator will remain in one of my devices with iOS 8.3,It also a pain doesn't have them on Largest Screen Devices,Cause they stop Working.other then that,it's more than 2 years I don't download they're Games.
I would underestand if it was an indie developer, but major companies like EA, Capcom and Square not bothering to fix older games is plain disrespect with consumers.
I'm sure SE has already reached out to the many companies who are developing games for them to publish, and they've got compatibility fixes scheduled. I'm sure they're just "not supporting" those games on iOS 9 at the moment so they don't have to respond to the emails and reviews of upset iOS 9 users. Sometimes it's more cost effective to fix an issue than to prevent issues... especially if those companies are trying to develop new content as well.
I've got lots of games. iOS 9 decided it doesn't like some of them. Here are the ones that are ruined Bike Baron: Weird Stretched graphics, impossible to make it work. Critter crunch: If you still have it, iOS 9 finally broke it. Dead Space: Game plays, But sound mostly doesn't work. Lostwinds 1 & 2: Instacrash Perfect Cell: Instacrash after choosing a level.. Plants Vs. Zombies: <MISSING><MISSING><MISSING><MISSING><MISSING><MISSING> Rico: Instacrash Rolando 2: Instacrash Rolando 2: Instacrash. Secret of Mana: Instacrash. Smash Cops: Instacrash after title screen Soosiz: Instacrash after title. Squids 1 & 2: Weird title screen bug, can't do anything. Super Stick Golf 2: Plays, but with a irritating constant hum during menus. Swapquest: Instacrash. Tiny Thief: Freezes at loading screen, does nothing. Wizorb: Instacrash.
Thank god most of my really old games that haven't been updated in years still work. That's the risk you have to take installing the new OS. You know if an old favorite hasn't been updated since the year it was released there is no chance the developers are going to come back and fix it to work with iOS 9 now. If I find any problems I'll edit my post but I have yet to test all my games and I have two iPhones full and an iPad as well.
Wow,have you tested on a A8,A9 64 Bit device,or an older one? Seems some games are broken only on newer devices.I've Dead Space on this list,and like Mass Effect Infiltrator and other 2 EA titles they've audio problems,but they working,I wonder why EA pulled them instead to give a Quick Fix,they're not Completely Broken.
The only setting I gave under battery is Show percentage, auto brightness, and auto lock. Low Power setting is only on the iPhone
Some of these have already been listed, but I've checked through all the games on my iPhone 6 and the following are broken, freeze and/or crash: BioShock (who expected that!?! >_>) Flop Rocket LostWinds LostWinds 2 Monkey Labour Papa Sangre Papa Sangre 2 Tiny Thief Zombie Gunship Arcade Impossible Road, Monsters Ate My Condo and Pivvot have no music and that worries the hell out of me because I doubt MAMC will ever, EVER be updated.