Gameloft's Back to School Sale (99c)

Discussion in 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies, and Deals' started by goiMot, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. Sin City

    Sin City Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    Silent Ops was looked down in since it didn't have Gyroscope control and came out after the high quality 9mm, which did. I enjoyed Silent Ops but it couldn't keep me hooked. Anyway at a dollar, why not.
  2. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    #22 backtothis, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
    Wow, I can take advantage of a Gameloft sale for the first time ever :]. Never bothered getting Silent Ops since it was considered Gameloft's most mediocre game in a long time. Grabbing it now for a dollar, thanks.

    Fast Five
    Dungeon Hunter 2
    Nova 2
    NFL 2011
    Splinter Cell
    Rayman 2

    are all also on sale for the iPhone/iPad. The OP only listed two games on sale for iOS devices.
  3. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Jul 13, 2009
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    Silent Ops-Worst AI I've ever seen in a Gameloft game, clunky controls, and nothing new really from Splinter Cell. There's also no one online. Not recommended. Glad I listened to reviews and didn't get it when it was first released.
  4. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    #24 backtothis, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
    Just got MCD for the Mac. I think I'm going to get back into computer gaming again. It's been a while. Probably going to pick up Starcraft 2 this weekend and possibly a few more titles from the Mac AppStore. Time to get back into the RTS scene :]. Consequently, looks like I'll probably be starting my personal embargo on casual titles on the iOS. After over two and a half years of them, they just aren't too appealing to me anymore. Way too hard juggling around multiple platforms as well when I'm getting every good new casual game that comes around. Need to play my 3DS as well, and I'm probably going to be getting the Vita when that comes out. Still excited as hell for Shadowgun though. But games like Shadowgun are probably all I'm going to go for though from now on, with the exception of KRPGs. I love those. I have a huge backlog of all kinds of casual games on my iPod right now, but yeah, it's not going to grow anymore unless there's something really special that comes out. It's going to be a hard transition away from the $0.99 price point mindset.
  5. phattestfatty

    phattestfatty Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
    you're fading
  6. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Jul 13, 2009
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    Away from the iOS scene? In a way, yes I am. I'm pretty much severing the biggest part of iOS gaming away. But like you said in other threads, Shadowgun is coming, MC3 is coming, Warm Gun is coming, and a whole crapload of other "A" to "AAA" level games for the iOS are coming. Still a fan of the AppStore; just looking for something different now. Just downloaded Steam for the first time. Should be a good start to the computer gaming scene again paired with the Mac AppStore.
  7. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    How is NOVA2's single player experience? What's the game's replay value if I will never play online?
  8. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Jul 13, 2009
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    MCD is awesome. It's been five years since I played Counterstrike on the PC. Been playing PSP/iOS/3DS since then along with a bit of Wii, and wow, there's a world of difference..
  9. injuwarrior

    injuwarrior Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    I am really enjoying all the Mac games, and I think I'll wait a bit before installing backstab. I think Modern combat Domination was the best buy for me so far. Personally, I actually like ios controlds a bit better just because I am so used to them for fps's now, but otherwise the game is pretty sweet. Just wish full matches would be easier to find.
  10. Diablohead

    Diablohead Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Freelancer, PC game developer
    Mac games on offer, nice!

    Is nova 2 mac worth double dipping if I own it on my itouch 4? I don't mind replaying games especially if they get a bump up in visuals or extras.
  11. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    I know Gameloft never supports chat/voice chat in their multiplayer games, but I mean really, not even on the computer platform? MC Domination is still a ton of fun though, especially for a dollar, but come on.
  12. lacedolphin

    lacedolphin Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    Is backstab similar to tomb raider in gameplay or is it all just running around and shooting?
  13. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Yeah I'd like to talk to team mates. Like sometimes a guy is so stupid that he doesn't know he's got flag and just tries to kill people. I wish I could yell at him...
  14. WCFields

    WCFields Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    steel worker
    I purchased the game saturday & deleted it sunday, the worst game I've ever played.
  15. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth
    Me too except I purchased it on Friday. You got me beat by a day.

    I wanted to like that game, I coudlnt. The multiplayer is the worst. I quit the campaign after failing to get the boat past the terrorists on level 2. Lousy game.
  16. EfratBarTal

    EfratBarTal Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    n.o.v.a. 2, all the way
  17. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Exactly. Best on the list. Worth 5x that amount.
  18. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Jul 13, 2009
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    #38 backtothis, Sep 19, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
    Seriously, I have no doubt in my mind that this is the worst job Gameloft has ever done for multiplayer in one of their games. I'm trying to finish the campaign as fast as I can so I can get it off my iPod (It's over 1 GB, wtf?), but even that's a pain to do.

    DH 2, Nova 2, and Fast Five are very good deals for the price though. I guess Backstab is alright as well. I'd pass on the others though.

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