This is a great game, especially at this price. First time it's been on sale. This probably means it will be on sale more often down the road, but I doubt we will ever see it cheaper.
Strange the Ipod edition of Blokus is not on sale also... I'm hopeful we can expect at least a Dungeon Hunter and Blokus spree later this month on that format. Come on, Dungeon Hunter!
Someone send them a message on that awful website with a blue bird and ask for an Earthworm Jim price drop. Thanks.
Oh right. I thought he was talking about how DH went free and some of us don't want it since it's on android. Didn't read the months ago part. Anyways, it didn't go free according to AppShopper so I don't know what he's talking about.
No problem. But yeah, I'm PRETTY sure Dungeon Hunter didn't go free during their 10th anniversary (I was tracking that night and day), so I'm not sure what he was talking about :\
Asphalt 6: Adrenaline Intro Cinematic marked as private now, should be the next 'surprise'
Well that'd actually be a nice gift. I don't think we got enough info on Asphalt 6... They did release a short trailer though, that I liked. I'm just happy I can own a SLR Maclaren and a DBS on my iPhone EDIT: It's up now. They showed a Veyron crashing at the end.
I thought it will be like last year, free app everyday, a different game was free for a few hours everyday. This year's advent calendar is a disappointment. So far, only a free game for iPhone/iPod Touch, the Driver game The rest are more like ads, except for the free Android game.
Gameloft 10th anniversary was this year, not last year and they gift 10 games for free. If 10 games for free apply to this advent, still got 18 days to shoot free games before Dec 25th.
And a lot of people didn't get most of those free games due to it only being free for 2 hours at random times of the day. Of course their events always have some kind of smart advertising trick to it, same as last time they had an event. How can anyone complain or be disappointed about getting a free game or big discount (Blokus iPad) from Gameloft here and there this month? Just be thankful they're even doing an event like this. Anyways, can't wait to see what their next free game is. Driver is awesome, same as Blokus for iPad
There's nothing wrong with being disappointed. Go on and feel indebted to publishers for sales and freebies if you like, but they don't do it as a favor to anybody. Unlimited supply and the speed of the app store encourage such marketing to maintain a level of exposure. Nevertheless, people will continue to cry "entitlement" at anyone not eternally grateful for a free trailer or wallpaper. FFS. Anyway, as someone who's had no interest in the Asphalt series up to now, A6 looks freaking sweet! Added to my most anticipated.