Not at all. It's a mediocre 3rd person hack'n slash game, with a formerly terrible camera. Worth a buck, certainly not $7.
That's what I'm trying to ascertain. Last year they had price drops on the 21st too... I'm hoping they repeat that this year unless it's already too late. I guess I need to figure out AppZapp Pro and start looking for answers.
I think the sale my start tomarrow because the thought we were all going to die 12-21-12, just kidding but that might be the reason thought.
I'm watching appzapp right now... prices are still changing so I guess tonight is when the lockdown occurs. Come on classic Gameloft games... daddy's still got some iTunes money to burn!
I could actually by some then if it wasn't for the tax on the AppStore because I have $1.02, that makes me so mad!
Hmm, I am trying to download Backstab now, I would say if you're totally fine with iAP, go with WB, it does look nice. If you prefer one of the older games without iAP, go with Backstab. Both look cool.
Dang that's tough. I haven't played my copy of Wild Blood yet (though it looks great and those that have here seem to love it)... but I played the heck out of the demo for Backstab and thought it was a nice Action Adventure with a nice story which hooked me in. I don't think you can go wrong with either one... at $0.99 I didn't feel I had to really choose other than just picking games I thought I'd enjoy. But just keep in mind you probably have till Jan 2nd to get more iTunes credit for whichever one you don't get.
I say go with BackStab didnt like Wild Blood and kinda hate the IAP system, there is a free version of BackStab if you want to try it first.
Backstab over Wild Blood any day. Trust me. It'll last you much longer, no IAP crap and it's an open world affair with a decent amount to do and a crazy amount of content. Wild Blood is a bloated, mediocre god of war clone minus what makes god of war fun. And the fact that there're only 3 weapons really annoyed me. Yep, you can manually adjust sensitivity and a few other options now.
Funny how everyone likes Backstab over Wild Blood. I actually liked Wild Blood way more than Backstab. But I also like hack n' slash type games. It may be short but I had fun with it and never even considered an IAP. To me, Backstab does have more content but got boring. I actually didn't finish it (stopped around 60% complete). Guess it's really preference. A linear hack n' slash or an open world Assassin's Creed type game. Neither are bad. Just probably depends on what kind of games you like.
Thanks for the feedback! I am getting both! I like more assassin's creed games, though I do enjoy Hack n' Slash games
Interesting take on it. I like both open action adventure games and hack and slash games (even with limited weapons since most of the time games with tons of weapons boil down to only a few types anyway). I was sold on Backstab from the demo. It was just great fun and I LOVE open world games. The story though hooked me more than the open world. Given the way Gameloft locks games to higher prices after so much time... this may be the last time they drop the price to $0.99 for BackStab (same for 9mm).
Well hopefully ill get a card so I can get both cause I had my math wrong and can't get none but did get infinty project 2 which is cool.
I really enjoyed Backstab, but did find it buggy. Some scripts weren't triggered and I had to restart from a save and figure out exactly where to walk to trigger the next thing. I eventually ran across a bug that gave me a quest but something happened and I think the quest disappeared and I was left with nothing to do. I was completely stuck and could not move on. I don't totally remember what happened, but I was left with nothing to do so I could not finish the game. I have read others had the same problem. But the game was immensely enjoyable while it lasted. I do plan on starting again. It was THAT fun.
I also prefer WB, but I did enjoy Backstab (didnt finish it though) so you cant really go wrong with either. The iap in Wild Blood bothers me a little but not because being overly intrusive but because of the fact that the game would be a lot better if balancing werent an issue in some stages, its totally playable without them though so its not that big of a deal.