wow I thought he was lying...
WTF? No way! This is as good a deal as Peggle for $0.99 No, better! Buy it now, I did at $5.99 and it was well worth it.
Too right. I hope Asphalt 5 is much better. And it will have to be much better for it to be a half decent game. Maybe they should of kept Asphalt on the mobile (cell) phone where it belongs.
LOL I totally bought this at $9.99. (although my fabulous boyfriend bought me the $25 itunes gift cert before I had surgery, so technically HE did...) Don't think I played much of it until it was on sale for $4.99. I actually really like this game, sure it's not the best racer out there, but I thought it was pretty good. Would prefer more actual racing rather than the fighting other cars/cop chase thing, but fairly solid overall. Depressing that I bought it for 10X as much, but I guess it can't really compete with all the prettier, more polished racers out there now.