They have plenty of reason, their ratings are getting butchered because of the unstable multiplayer. If you look at a game and see a 2 star average, people are not going to buy it
you sound so bitter, do you have an axe to grind? Why don't you just play some games instead of Role playing as an investigative reporter
Apparently TUAW doesn't agree with Noah or any others who think Gameloft is shilling. They even spoke to a Gameloft rep, who was oh-so-surprised by the thought of Gameloft ever doing such a thing:
If a publisher can really do that and push hundreds of comment by software, cut & past, etc...., whatever the reason is and whatever the game is good or not (it s not the point).. that would really make me feel sick and doubt about the whole credibility of Apple and the AppStore as a developer and as a customer.
Indie devs would assume anything to put down GL, that makes me doubt the credibility of their post as a customer.
What do you mean ? Won't you condamn such of practice if they were true ? I dont' know if you wrote this directly to me or for me but i feel your post insulting.
It's not a big deal actually, I condemn war, terrorism, mass lay offs but this is just a game. I'm just giving my opinion.
Apple's iTunes store is really bad about probably just dumped a huge backlog at once. As for as generic responses...welcome to stupid sheep who don't know how to write a review...i.e. 99.99% of the people who post reviews.
Wait a minute, you came here and post something shading doubt on my personal credibility as a customer and as a developer, so excuse me but it is a big deal for me. I did not start this thread, i was giving my opinion, and i said "IF" , as a developer, i am concerned if someone , i dont care if it is your friend or your company gameloft or if it is another small developer, can post fake reviews because that means unfair competition !!! As a customer, i do too, i do buy games and application and i read the review like everybody else and i want to believe that those are real customers who bought the app and give their opinion. We are not talking about a "game" here but about the possibility (or not) to fake reviews.
You're wasting your time trying to unearth this. Every skeptic is going to scrutinize every positive review (or even negative ones for competing apps), despite the fact that there will never be proof if it's happening at all. You want someone's opinion? Ask someone here who you have seen an unbiased history on, not some random schmuck username in iTunes. ExZeus is awesome by the way. And you can believe I don't work for your company :0)
Hey, I'm just here to enjoy my games. I don't care about what goes on in the background if its good and I enjoy it I couldn't care less if they shill or not. On the other hand if a game sucks it will still suck no matter how honest the dev is with the appstore review right? I'm sorry but you're not the only indie dev that is only too willing to discredit GL. I'm also sorry if you feel that I am shading doubt on your credibility but isn't that what you are doing with another co.? Judge not lest ye be judge yourself!
Obviously, you are really obsess and maybe with a dose of paranoia so you think everybody wants to discredit GL. I suggest you to continue to enjoy "your games" and let the pro discuss the background here, there is plenty of thread available in TA.
This a thread about paranoia, now if you 'pros' must continue to discuss your conspiracy theories and what not without opposition then be my guest. And for your info my best FPS is COD Zombies, music game is Rock Band and I'm not in any way connected with EA and Activition. Practice what you preach dude!
Carlo can I respectfully ask you to double check your post? You are getting pissed at something you yourself is doing. And when you say 'pros' who are you reffering to?