Hundreds of 5 star reviews popped up all in a row overnight, some even copy and paste and all very generic. This after days of 1 and 2 star reviews by angry users experiencing the upnp and crashing bugs. What they're doing is very obvious, just go through the Dec 7th reviews and see for yourself. The review system is the only way we have to communicate our concerns and they've found a way to take that away. I put my review back down to 1 star and I'm in the process of getting my money back.
wow gameloft shilling that is harsh man... yet there comment about it being a 'beta' makes this some how more believable to me i hope that the beta excuse does be come an over used band-aid and welcome to TA enjoy your stay
If this is true, that is really low of Gameloft... That's kind of disappointing, actually if it really was them. :\
I'm honestly not surprised. Then again, it could possibly be their competition doing it in an obvious manner to ruin their reputation.
i don't see this happening why would you rate you opponents app higher? you would rate it lower and then forward people to your app... in this case you wouldn't have to do anything so many people would be mad about the upnp amongst other things
Isn't it obvious? If these 5 star reviews were copy and pasted repeatedly as where many of those fake reviews would be duplicates, it would make it seem like Gameloft was doing it. Seriously, you don't get it?
no i get it... i think... although the way you worded it kinda confused me aren't the 5 star reviews the fake ones because the way you said it made it seem like they weren't
If this is true (and I'm not saying it is), then GameLoft is trying to strip users of their voice. Apple doesn't allow 'betas' nor 'demos' in the App Store, so any argument that GameLoft may have toward that effect is invalid.
If this is in fact Gameloft, I'm disappointed. I thought they had a clean operation going here. They never added any questionable content, never shilled reviews, never spammed other reviews, always seemed to reply to consumer complaints in e-mails and twitter reasonably quickly... It's really weird. I don't see them doing anything like this. Then again, in the past they never really needed to though. But when a game was being killed that was theirs, they let it go. I don't get it. I'm kinda doubting it based on their previous clean record. I hope it's a scam by someone else, as I really like Gameloft and don't want to see them get pulled or anything.
aren't demos just lites? and yea never heard about the beta thing specifically... i guess they thought that, that was what ngmoco did with Elminate @random there is a first time for everything isn't there?
Umm, no - reviews are solely there for the sake of other users. Developers can't reply to reviews and you shouldn't even assume they read them. If you have a concern you need to contact the developer/publisher directly.
This is totally lies, i saw this post and decided to read the reviews, i found no repeatation of word... if they wanted to rate there game 5 star, they wont even need to write reviews instead, they will keep clicking 5stars with different accounts.. Lets appreciate that we were told this is BETA... Alot of people didnt know the game was updated during the weekend and when they tested it due to them having a better Router it worked for them, Game loft is far to big to do stuff like this.. They would have asked All the game reviewing sites to talk great about there games during the time they BETA tested NOVA but they didnt do that, because they actually believe in there Name.. I respect Gameloft and believe they will never do this
I am EXTREMELY disappointed in ANYONE who rates this app 1 star. That is freaking ridiculous. The app is great, they messed up on the multiplayer. It was 4 stars before multiplayer, there is NO reason it deserves 1 star. I'm glad they are doing this. (if they even are) Don't ratings get reset once they update? Why would they even care if they are fixing it soon?
Agreed. Because one part of the game, newely added in fact, isn't the greatest, it doesn't make the rest of the game crap. The single player campaign is amazing and it doesn't deserve the bad ratings over multiplayer which is currently being worked out.
unfortunately people tend to just rate the update and forget to take into account the entire game due to the fact that it is brand new and on their minds like here yes the gameplay was great but the update in itself is worth 1-2 stars merely because that it didn't work for so many so yea realistically maybe this went down from a 4-5 to a 3-4 star unfortunately like i said people rate the update not the game
Except Apple specifically DOES NOT allow betas nor demos. You can't even use those as a keyword, nor can you use version numbers below 1.0. While the line between a Lite version and Demo is blurred, Apple does not allow you to specifically call it as such. All submissions are a fully intact and playable game before Apple will approve it.
i would like to make another correction... we weren't told I was told and then passed it on to ya'll other than that we would have thought that this was it