does "megaoctet" actually mean over 20mb? Seems to me that it's an app around 80mb. Let's Golf is 85.2mb. I'm calling Let's Golf.
Megaoctet is the same as megabyte. Nothing to do with "8," although that would be a good assumption...
Yeah, it does. Megaoctet is French (possibly other languages as well...?) for megabyte. Octet is a reference to 8 bits, so a byte.'s a thought off the top of my head. I'll let ya know what my thought is when i get my answer to this post. Could be absolutely nothing, but, well, i'm getting itchy waiting for the next game and my brain could be effected. Is there any of their top games that has any hints a French in it? Not language per say, but any hints of french in nature, or something?
I'm not 100% positive, but I don't think megabyte is megaoctet only in French. Also, I may be wrong here as well, but isn't Gameloft based in France? I just figured that was the reason they were using mo as opposed to mb. I've seen it tossed around in the forums before by other French devs.
not the best game they had. I think Gameloft is a french company, thats all... to me no insight in sight, but the idea was cool. 3 minutes to go till thursday breaks in (Germany)'s my thought. If PC is one of their top games, i was thinking with the odd use of Megaoctet, maybe that in itself was a clue. Since that is a french word, and PC may be sort of french in nature, or have some french in it.
Because they used Megaoctet? iLike ze way you are thinking IpodDame iThink Monopoly (world edition) does.... cannot be monopoly as all ze versions went on a discount price sale earlier today *wikis origin of uno card game but Finds no french connexion* EDIT: *Wikis a lil more on octet, finds this*
Good theory. However, I don't think their use of mo was that odd. I've seen it tossed around in other threads by French/European devs. Plus the fact that Gameloft is indeed based in Paris, France. And I'm still hoping for Oregon Trail, I don't want to think about Pocket Chef darnit!
Or they may want us to think that, and actually there going to totally suprise us with setting there top 5 best selling games free for 30 minutes including POP which will be released right when the 30 minutes starts
Also, could Pocket Chef really "be 1 of @Gameloft 's TOP 3 best seller of all times"? It was just released in Feb.
Yeah, i know it wasnt all that odd. Just said that cause normally you'd see MB used and not the french version. Didnt read back on past tweets tho to see if they have used the french one before there recently or if that was out of the blue.
check your clock it's only 3:05 here. Oh wait people live in different time zones? that's crazy talk!
I checked through all their games in the appstore just in case they convenietly forgot tweet about it