I'm 38, thank you very much. My post about the infamous Omega-Fail had nothing to do with Gameloft. Show me where it does, and I'll retract my thought that you are an douche-nozzle. It had everything to do with the fact that he is an amazing troll who needs to go back under his bridge. Methinks you're starting to grow a beard as well...
Not at all, honestly. I just wondered how many Gameloft "haters" showed up by now. Must be the free stuff in the first place. To tell you the truth, I would be glad if these Gameloft rantings finally stop and the people give their games a fair chance. Gamelofts games may be for the casual gamer market, but Gameloft played also a big part in the success of seeing the iDevices as a full gaming platform.
Don't forget about the retards though... they be ooolderrr Sorry, can't help but butt in... lol! Anyway, damn, this last one is taking long huh...
yes. despite their shortcomings, they are the first to have brought 'fully playable' 3D games to the appstore, and should be respected for that.
Just becuaw someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them a troll. He actually speaks highly of a number of idevice games, something a true troll wouldn't do. Either way, using "douche-nozzle" doesn't help your case much for being more mature than a 14 year old. Keep on though, because it's humerous to see how worked up some of get over this junk.
Shoot I'm definately critical of Gameloft at times yet I'm still download the games for free if I can. I make no apologies for that. With that said, my main issue is that I think Gameloft has potential, but aside from graphics Nd sound, their games tend to be bland and repitative experiences. Maybe it's a limitation of the platform, but I hope one day they put out something really special. They have the technical aspects down, now they just need to focus on gameplay and diffiulty.
Exaggerating much? It's not as if they said that the Pope was dead and you just had to record his next public mass to show them they're wrong. Who cares if people hate/love Gameloft? Sheesh. +100
Sure, that is one point I can easily agree with. But I try to see things from different angles. On the other side, Gameloft was one of the first to dare investing the big bucks in the iDevice gaming developement and always tried to show the people what is possible with iDevice gaming. They never knew if they would be successful, and thats one of the impressive things Gameloft did. I am neither a Gameloft hater nor a Gameloft fanboy. I like some if their games and don't like others. But it is ridiculous to see the Gameloft "haters" appearing here - a thing that is really astonishing.
No, he's most certainly a troll. I'm not worked up in the least, I just find it humorous that many people are complaining about FREE GAMES. If the nozzle fits, wear it.
Speakin of Gameloft, Rogue Planet is definitely one of their games that I respect. They actually did a pretty good job with that one, though not entirely original in terms of innovation, but still hard to brush off as just another game... but damn, I sure do hope that won't be the final freebie! I'm hoping for Oregon Trail, Blades of Fury, or Terminator at the very least... dream on!
What is so suprising? Let's say you don't typically like Chevy cars, yet if someone offers one for free, you'd most likely take it. Same deal here. Plus most of the Gameloft hate isn't because their games are unplayable but that their games don't hold up to the high esteem many on this site hold Gameloft to. It doesn't make their games unplayable nor does it mean it's not worth going for a freebie.
Once again having a differing opinion doesn't make someone troll even if the person isn't very diplomatic in their discussions. Of course people love throwing that term around if someone's opinion doesn't match what the majority thinks.
It's not about differing opinions, it's about useless, provocative posts...something Omega-Fail has become (in)famous for. If you want to simulate banging your head against the wall, click on his screen name and read through his "posts".
I have never heard of Rogue Planet before.. When I just looked at the screenshots, it looks like the Gameloft clone of Advance Wars. Is that pretty accurate? If so, I might try that one out
I'm not that familiar with Advance Wars, but yeah it looks similar to that. You should probably wait until they release the fourth freebie though, just in case
Apparently dozens and dozens of people, if you Look through the Gameloft threads. People actually open threads to tell the other forum members how much they hate / love Gameloft. But because you're a newbie, your lack of knowledge will be forgiven.
Generally just haters come out of there way to ruin good games/threads they never even played...its quite sad really. Personally I quite enjoy gameloft games...always have.