Pretty sure they're talking about Gameloft. By "nobody's getting anything", I think they mean nobody at Gameloft is receiving money for the free game sales, since they're, you know... free of charge.
Ohh thats weird... I didn't have Chuck Norris bring the pain or Castle of Magic on my iPod a couple of days ago??? but I didn't lose any money either? I wonder how they got there...
I got Gameloft Tweets to my Phone and when I got the Tweet that Castle of Magic was avalible, apparently I was already too late. A shame. Did get Chuck Norris however.
If twitter support SMS in your country, you can set a SMS message at @gameloft. If it doesnot support (just like me in Hong Kong), try to use other alert service, like ( and notifo). ^_^ It works for me.
After missing the first 3 games, the last one of which I actually wanted, I promised myself I will not miss todays.
I am lucky one. I got 3 of them now. And keep watching. ^_^ Setup a alert to prevent missing any 7/10
I did. First 2 were while I was at school and the wifi blocks the App Store. Third time, my phone turned itself off and I didn't realize it.
I am lucky. The #1 and #2 was released in 1AM-3AM, 11PM-1AM in HK night time. Wake up and download. #3 was relased in 4:30PM while I am on the way back home. Just turn on MBP and connect and download. ^_^ Waiting in the Hospital (working) and waiting for #4. ^_^
I got all 3...the first two came out at noon and around 10:30 AM for me..and the 3rd was at 3:30 am while I was driving home. I just finished finals last week so I have a couple weeks of just hanging out, so I've been available to get them all. I'm sure I'll miss a couple pretty soon.
I need to work now. Hope it will not out in one / two hours. I need to stay in the XRay room for 2 hours. >_<
I think it'll be late today as it was very early y'day... If they (GL) really are talking about everyone getting the app in every timezone, I think announcing the time instead of keepin us reloading, awake & wht not is a bettr idea. WhadayaFink?
The last game is the one I'm almost guaranteed to miss. I fly out of the country at 10:00 AM next Friday for vacation. Hopefully there is something good before then.