The title should be changed, Chuck Norris is never free. Everyone pays a price. "Chuck Norris: Bring On The Pain" is free though.
Gameloft should stop releasing free games now because Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks the rest in the FACE!!
Ludigames is part of Gameloft isn't it? Wasn't expecting this move but since their games are included too it's as well that I held off buying their hdO games.
It's a marketing ploy to get us to follow them like a hawk for the next ten days and hopefully buy some of their games. They aint doing this just out of the kindness of their hearts ya know. They dont ever have to give away free games, especially since it's Gameloft and not an indy Dev. If you dont like the free game, then dont download it. But dont complain cause they dont give away Nova or BIA2. It's FREE, take it or leave it.
I'm not a moron. I posted a long response a few pages back saying the exact same thing. I know its a marketing ploy. Please get off your high horse, because it's annoying. I was just simply stating that if they continue to release stuff like this, it isn't really worth following. Why again are you lecturing me on free games and the rules regarding what I can or can't complain about?
So far 2 games I didn't have. I am surprised! Thank you Gameloft for letting everyone be part of this "marketing ploy"!! I am sure enjoying it!
I wasnt "lecturing" you specifically. I was lecturing the inevitable moronic endless posts from the greedy arses that will flood this thread complaining cause they cant get a ten dollar app free. I never saw your post a few pages back, and dont tell me to get off my high horse. It's less annoying to read posts telling people to be grateful for any free game then it is to read ones like yours telling me to get off my soap box and let the greedy people continue to complain
Not liking a game is being greedy? Talk about hyperbole.... I just simply said the first two free games were not good games and if the trend continues it's probably not worth keeping up with this. How is that greedy? You people amaze me....
word +1 Exactly my thoughts. Besides, there are eight days to go - I think they'll save the best for last.
complain, complain, complain... its the same everywhere... FAAD for instance. got chuck for free this time and I cross fingers to snap "one of the best games" they throw out - hopefully the timeframe stays like this (emphasis added)
So essentially unless the comment is "oh thank you thank you Gameloft..I'm so grateful!!!!!!", then shut up right? Got it
Again..i was not calling you out specifically. I agree that the first two games werent all that great. I did get them, but wont be playing much of them most likely. There is a difference between stating an opinion, like yours and mine saying that, and coming in and saying something like .."Damn you Gameloft for not giving me a $6 app for free." You didnt say anything like that. I simply quoted your post as a reference point for those that will eventually post the complaints. Saying you dont like the game is fine. The ones who complain like holy hell cause it aint NOVA is not alright.
Ok then...we're in agreement. I just felt like you were attacking me specifically so I felt the need to defend myself.
No matter the semantics, IMO anyone who complains in any way about FREE games comes off sounding like a massive tool. There's a simple remedy for people who don't think these games are any good. Don't. Get. Them.