My GameCenter will not work at all if I press on the app or go to settings and click on it. I've tried restarting phone and full restore, but no joy. Does anyone else here have the same problem at the moment? Has anyone found a way of fixing the problem? Thanks heaps for your help
Could someone please help, I've googled the problem and there are no answers to fix it. I can't get in the leaderboards any more... #
I rang apple and the only thing that will fix it is to restore your phone as new and start again. All apps have to be reinstated from the purchased list manually and app data will be lost unless it's backed up to iCloud. I have done this and now it works again. But I have lost a lot of games and saves that I'm very disappointed about.
After resetting all my data and starting again from scratch like Apple told me to do as the only way to fix the problem, gamecenter does not work again! It worked for 2 days and now last night it stopped working. With gamecenter not working some games do not load, I can't delete gamecenter apps off my phone, scores and achievements do not register. If I try and delete a gamecenter app off my phone my whole phone freezes and the only way to start it again is a hard reset. I'm very disappointed in Apple at the moment.
Join the public beta for the next iOS update. That fixed it for me. Or just wait until it officially releases.
iOS 9.1 beta 3 fixed it for me. Beta 4 is out now which someone has said has it now taking 30 seconds to open which is better than broken, but not as good as I'm getting on beta 3.
Cheers for the info, I'm trying the beta now. Just bought a iPhone 6s to replace my 6 plus Hope this fixes the problem
That's odd. On this thread the beta fixes it for most people.
My case is weird, I can't use gamecenter and when I try and delete apps the whole phone freezes and has to be reset. Apple have no clue what's up with it, I've done everything they have asked and nothing fixed it.
Apple have offered me compensation to me due to the wrong information they gave me. This will be in the form of Apple Store Accessories. My phone is still not working like it should.
That's exactly the same symptoms I (and some, not not all other people) had. The iOS 9.1 beta worked for me though.
As you saw in my other thread... I'm having the same issue. I just wiped my phone and GC worked. I restored my backup and now it doesn't work again... I'd rather not download a beta as many apps don't support beta versions. Especially if it doesn't fix it... EDIT: I found this thread on Apple's forums... hopefully it's fixed soon. I'll live without GC for a little while... I suppose. I don't have an iOS 8 backup available... and I'm too far into too many games to just delete everything... sigh. The apple thread:
Yeah I've been thorough all the forums of many sites and nothing works. I've lost all my data of all my apps and I've been an apple user since I think 2009. The restore fix worked for 2 days then it stopped working again so that's how I lost my backup through iCloud. I'm on the latest beta and gamecenter works for around 10 minutes every time you hard reset the phone. I'm on iPhone 6s now Wasn't working on my iPhone 6 Plus either. My advise is to just wait because if your infected with this problem there doesn't seem to be a fix.
Aw hell, I'll try the beta. Why not. Others have said it works. Even if it doesn't work like you said, I'll just restore my backup. Edit: looks like beta 9.1 v4 fixed it