Game++ turns your iPhone, iPad into an independent game maker! Make your own iOS and Android independent game and distribute it(AppStore & GoogleMarket)! Get Game++ now, you will be addicted by it, and you will become a great independent game developer! Features: Animation Editor allows you to make slick animation, like a flying bird. Create an physical shape(rect, oval, polygon) and specify the physical property(visibility, color, collide, density, friction ) by Physical Editor. Object Editor has very strong ability, it can create any component in your game, like hero, tortoise, button, even an abstract data record object. Event Editor is the most important editor in Game++, it create event to define the behavior of your object, each event consist of triggers and actions. Scene Editor allows you to make your stages very easily by add and drag objects. Publish Editor will be used at last after you finished your game, it build your game to an IPA or APK file, then, congratulations! you can distribute your game to AppStore and GoogleMarket, all people in the world will enjoy your game!
thanks, i use game++ created a mario like game(with physical effect) as a sample project, it cost about 1.5 days
it's already released now, get it at for any more question about this app, i'll replay at another thread at toucharcade