Critter Escape (Chillingo) Looks very good and will be coming out. I really hope that Mad Skills BMX has Game center integration. I never used to mind open feint, but for some reason, is hasn't been registering on any of my devices. Contacted the help desk, and the help received was abysmal.
Sorry about that! The game is sitting in the queue waiting to be reviewed by Apple. Supposedly, the average wait time at the moment is around 11 days, and we are on day 6. So as long as it gets accepted, then it should be out this month!
Openfeint is rubbish for me too. Any achievements I unlock do not add on to my overall achievement points and that's if I am lucky enough for Openfeint to load. Most of the time it doesn't work at all.
Well here we are , a few minutes away I hope we get one or two surprises and not just the ones we know about. Roll on the releases !....
I always hang onto hope of a new SNK Playmore game, when Metal Slug and Blazing Star appeared we didnt have a clue, just appeared on wednesday. I do love previews/hype about games but when you get a surprise its great. Remember how excited i was when that Atari app appeared out of the blue, was disappointed soon after i must admit !
Tonight's releases that look interesting: Mad Skill BMX, Random Heroes, Puzzle Craft, Flip's Escape, and Horn if it comes out. Pretty decent week.
Planning on getting Critter Escape, Flips Escape (just for achievements), Jack Lumber, Random Heroes, Meeblings and Mad Skills BMX. Just disappointed that BMX is initially being released without any GC achievements. Updating Skillz Universal if rereleased after being pulled last week. August 23rd and August 30th should be huge release weeks. Not a hardcore games fan, no inside info, but the next Infinity Blade release will most likely coincide with the official release of IOS 6/iPhone 5. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out
Confirmed for release August 23rd next week. One Tap Hero Mikey Shorts Supermagical One Epic Knight Hnefatafl Toybox Galaxy On Fire 2 Supernova comes out August 30th. There's also a good possibility that Faction Wars (aka World of Midguard) will come out in a week or two since it was submitted August 11.
Thanks arta! All look great except I'll pass on Hnefatafl. Hoping Chillingo will also release Jelly Cannon Reloaded. Retrobot will be out by the end of this month barring any major problems.
No Blood Roofs? I am disappoint. But im looking forwrd to One Tap Hero, Mikey Shorts, One Epic Knight and Supernova.
still no Dominion...does Goko even have someone doing PR? at all? :\ all it takes is five minutes to type up some blog post, or 60 seconds to post on twitter and explain what's up.