Pumped: BMX should also be out tonight. Seen this game featured on indiegames. Looks like it could be fun http://www.pumpedbmx.com/
Out of this weeks iOS releases, Trigger Fist, Pitfall, Gasketball (f), Super Mole Escape, and Killer Bean (f) all look pretty good.
Wow Organ Trail is out too. Hmm this week is gonna be inexpensive with that (2.99), trigger fist (4.99), super mole (0.99), and BMX game (1.99)
I purchased this around midnight eastern and noticed that it was removed from the AppStore this morning. I wonder why Skillz Universal was removed and when it will be back. The game ran fine but there was no download content to buy. I contacted the developer and got a generic automated message saying they will get back to me.
For me its going to be a good week with two instant purchases Mikey Shorts http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=143398 Looks a great platformer Random Heroes http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=141025 Did really like LOE1 and 2 but the levels were too short, this seems to be what i want, long levels and same style of gameplay So for me those two look great (might tell i like platformers), any other games coming out will be a bonus
Im excited for Blood Roofs... The devs said last week they have submitted it for review. I hope it comes out this week.
Yes, it's works fine! Like all games, the extra space on the iPad makes the game better, but if you only have a iPhone it plays great. Great game IMHO
Dominion is finally coming out. http://pockettactics.com/2012/08/13/rio-grandes-official-dominion-coming-16-august/
Actually i will be buying Mad skills BMX Forgot i had their other game (Motocross one), the BMX one seems very very similar but i reckon it'll be very playable (like the motocross one)