Hello,i just started playing episode 3 that was sitting on my mobile for some time but i've incurred a big bug; the action circles (those you have to press to interact with things you can interact with) are nowhere to be seen; i manage to progress some by cliccking randomly on the screen but now got to a place where i got stuck in front of a door and can't open it. Anyone else experiencing the same problem? I tried to read in internet and it seems it might be a problem affecting episodes 3 and 4 after last update but it's not really clear.
Yeah, last update broke everything and made the font fuzzy on retina screens. IPad 3 here, same problem with the QTE icons on episode 2.
Something about this being free right now. Don't know which episode as I've never played it. Showing free.
Well...Telltale have a history of making just the first episode free, so it's probably the case here.
The problem is I can't even buy it. When I try to purchase it I get the message "content failed to download"
Unfortunately, that's customary whenever a new Telltale episode comes out. Something to do with their servers getting easily overloaded, I believe. Give it a couple of hours and you'll be able to purchase/download the new episode.
I've admittingly skimmed these pages, but why so low of a rating... And I've read about poor performance on the iPhone 6, can anyone validate any of this?
Is this game broken for anyone else? Running on an iPhone 6s with 9.1 and after booting the game and connecting to the server and fades to a black screen and stays like that until I kill the app. If I enable airplane mode I'm able to get past the black screen bug but when I try to continue the episode I'm on (hit 'Continue Episode 2' button) the game crashes.
I believe this game is broken on iOS 9. It works on my air 2 on 8.4 but crashes on iPad pro on 9.2. Strange because tales of border lands works on 9.2.