Terrible iOS port. iPhone 5s - major overheating, frame rate issues, sound stuttering and no multitasking. TWAU had the best iOS port, then things quickly went downhill (TWD season 2 port was also a joke) Look, as much as I love GoT and Telltale Games, I regret the purchase still. just fix your God damn engine, Telltale, seriously.
If you have any interest in the show, watch it first. The story in this game ties directly into a major event in season 3, without the show you'll be lost. And if you do decide to play the game before watching, you'll also spoil the show for yourself.
I played it on my iPad Air 2 and didn't really notice anything that terrible aside from normal obviously toned down graphics and framerate lags from the PC version. There's a very small amount of quick time events though so it's not like it made much difference. I'm real worried about Borderlands, as the entire first chapter is a quick time event it seems like.
I confirm that the iOS port is brutally, shockingly bad. This thing should never have gone on sale as is, it's the bastard child between a scam and a ripoff. Opening act is one hair away from being unplayable, such is the lag/low FPS.
Game of Thrones would be so perfectly suited to a "King of Dragon Pass" style of game. One can only dream...
Game of Thrones Ascent isn't terrible- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/game-of-thrones-ascent/id799145075?mt=8 It's a weird free to play timer based game where you're using timers to manage your house and participate in the game of thrones. Definitely worth a try as it sounds like it might at least kinda-sorta be what you're looking for.
I have the same device. Well i guess they will fix it in the next update. Still a really nice game do not let the lagging let you down.
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