[GAME][FREE]Pork Chop Hero

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Mycroft Softworks, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Mycroft Softworks

    Mycroft Softworks New Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Full disclosure, I am one of the developers of the game I'm about to shamelessly promote.

    Pork Chop Hero: One pig's quest for freedom.
    Help Pork Chop escape the voracious Pork Enthusiasts on his journey to freedom.



    Basically it's a top down shooter/puzzle game played using two virtual joysticks.

    You shoot the bad guys with bacon, as you shoot them they get fatter until they explode. (Later you get other weapons with different effects)

    There is a "Campaign Mode" with two worlds (and a third on the way). Each world has about 15 levels.
    There is also "Survival Mode" where endless waves of pork enthusiasts attack you and you see how many waves you can survive. There is currently only a single survival map (more on the way).

    World 1 of Campaign Mode (Bacon Acres) and Survival Mode are free to play.
    World 2 of Campaign Mode (Forest Hamlet) is $1.99

    Website - http://www.porkchophero.com/

    Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mycroft.porkchophero
    Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Mycroft-Softworks-Inc-Pork-Chop/dp/B00IB0F92K
    iOS - Waiting Approval

    Let me know what you think of the game or if you have any issues.

    If you enjoy the game please take a few seconds to rate it, it is hard to get a game exposure and ratings really help with visibility in the store.

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