[Game][Free] AlphanumericOS, multiplayer game with letters and numbers

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by juanantoniokb, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. juanantoniokb

    juanantoniokb New Member

    Jul 31, 2013
    Hi everyone, we have developed a game based in a famous TV show in Europe and Oceania, played with numbers and letters. Available in Google play store!




    Totally integrated with facebook, you can play against your friends, and share your rounds or plays.


    The game consists in 7 rounds, 1st 4th and 7th are the figures and 2nd, 3th, 5th and 6th are letters, which the players compete in equal terms, and the scoring of every round will be visible when both players have finished.

    To increase competitivity we' added statistics, punctuation, levels, ranks... so you can show your friends who is the mos skillful with numbers and letters.

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