Android [Game][Free] Accumulate Ball

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by eidnGames, Jan 27, 2020.

  1. eidnGames

    eidnGames New Member

    Jan 27, 2020

    An original arcade puzzle game Accumulate Ball for Android has been developed by our studio. You are welcome to test (comment):

    1. Promo video
    Gameplay is simple and contains the next parts:

    1.1) Moving the ball through platforms to find a path to a reservoir with a substance of the specific color.

    1.2) Filling the ball with the reached substance.

    1.3) Repeating the steps 1.11.2 until the ball won't be completely filled.

    2) Restoring the ball to a state before the step 1.1 and continuing the steps 1.11.3.

    2.1. Smartphone screenshot


    2.2. Smartphone screenshot


    2.3. Smartphone screenshot
    Game process is complicated by the following features:

    1) It is necessary to find a path to a reservoir until the timer is stopped.

    2) The ball orientation can be changed by rotators located at random platforms.

    3.1. Tablet screenshot


    3.2. Tablet screenshot


    3.3. Tablet screenshot
    This game has been made with Unity, in case someone is wondering.

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