It was a direct order from Mad Catz. Thanks. I just re-ordered from Amazon. Amazon also lists the product as temporarily out of stock.
Yeah, looks like they're out of stock on Amazon. On the plus side, they're listing all of the available color options now, so you can get an order in for something other than just the black!
Unfortunately for me, the only thing I really care about is the D-Pad, so I'm still waiting for a decent controller. Please Hori, you're our only hope....
I've been playing with the Horipad for the past few days straight. The d-pad is about as good as you get from a circle pad, Hori did a great job
I can concur that the Steelseries XL has overly sensitive buttons. When playing Monster Hunter the menu keeps flicking on and off. It's surprisingly heavy too.
Yeah, I tend to rest my fingers on the triggers when I'm playing, and that is enough to activate them - way too sensitive! I actually like the weight, though.
Yeah the triggers are definitely way too sensitive. I do tend to keep my fingers resting on those as well so it's kind of a bummer. But everything else is pretty great.
Too bad, I was hoping that was just another flaw with my unit. I love the build quality and feel in my hands, but I don't think I'll be able to stomach the triggers. It's a shame, I was really hoping this would be the best one.
Thanks for the reports about the sensitive buttons on the XL.I'll definitely buy a Madcatz then.Not sure if normal or Micro.I would prefer the Micro but what i read about the sticks is they are somewhat loose,not much resistance. And this review on amazon make me think but maybe this guy is more nitpicking than others,it's the first time i read about the following issue (see pic)
I think that person might be being a bit picky. I wonder what he's comparing it to. I've found that every xbox and playstation controller I've tried has a very noticeable dead zone too. This bothered me when I first started playing games on consoles, because I was used to RC plane controllers, which have almost no dead zone by comparison. I found it especially annoying in driving games and shooting games where accurate aim is important, but I've now gotten used to it. So while I get what he's bothered by, I'm not sure if he's being realistic about how controllers are built.
I find it on Amazon,i don't buy it,but i don't remember where,just switch every internationally Amazon..
I bought the Stratus XL last week and have put it through the paces. I've had zero issues with it. No lag whatsoever that I've noticed, and the button sensitivity seems fine for me... I am a bit disappointed with the somewhat lacklustre support in general by developers in games that would benefit from physical controls. I would have thought that every FPS, platform and racing game would have MFI support by now, but that just isn't the case. I expect that it's down to the expensive price for the controllers.
@kmcleod: Thanks for the review of the Ctrli. Can you do me a favour and make a picture from the Micro Ctrli right next to the X360 controller?I know this one like a second skin and it will give me a better impression about the size
Sure, no problem: It really doesn't feel like a small controller. Smaller than a regular Xbox pad, but not cramped. My girlfriend prefers it to the regular C.T.R.L.i, I'm probably a bit in favor of the larger one. Neither is objectively a better size, both are great.
Hi, just ordered the ctrli off the mad catz website, just curious if someone could give me a heads up on how long it stays in the "pending fulfilment" stage, and how long untill it ships? Thanks.
I just did the same last week. It stayed as pending fullfilment for about 5 days, and then I received an email from Mad Catz that my order had been cancelled, with no reason given. I then ordered it from Amazon and was notified the next day that it shipped. It's supposed to arrive today.
Is anyone interested in buying a Moga ace power controller? It's in perfect working order and great condition! If ur interested then send me a message with an offer, I'm open to suggestions.
To me,it stay on pending fulfillment for a month,then,without reason,an e-mail:you're order has Been canceled,,I contact the MAD CATZ support,seem there a problem with the site,and they're aware of this..and then I buy it from Amazon..