Awesome, glad to hear you're adding support to Super Splatform as well! One thing - when I was testing RPG Quest for controller support, I noticed that the screen falls asleep unless manually touched. This is a pretty common problem amongst MFi controller supported games, but you might want to disable iOS auto lock while the game is running
Aha, thanks. MFi support wasn't tested as well as most of our stuff since none of our regular testers have a controller yet! I'll fix that problem in the first update.
Cool, no worries, probably won't come up for most people. I always leave my phone to sleep in the shortest possible time because I test this stuff a lot, and this is a very common thing I find. Apple really should automatically consider MFI controller button presses as touches for the autosleep function - maybe someday...
Yeah that would be good, and apple if you happen to read this, it would be cool if you power on your apple joystick, to have the bluetooth auto turn on, so everything is one step. Thanks Apple.
Can anyone tell me the difference between games that can use mfi controllers and iCade ones? I've just bought the FC30 controller, but it says nothing about mfi games. Thanks!
Yeah, iCade is an older standard which mimics a bluetooth keyboard and is incompatible with ios 7 joysticks. See the icade thread And HDMI/iOS Console thread for more info If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
For those who are interested in the jailbreak side of things, Controllers For All's next update will automatically allow any iCade controller to be used as an MFi controller - pretty cool!
Totally agree. Between that and BluTrol, dualshock 3 is pretty much the only controller you need. I do have some icade controllers though..........what about the Gameloft Duo Gamer? I'd like to use that for MFi games.........
Oh, now that is very interesting, might even favour this one over the GameCase, especially since I think the ATV will get gaming soon, I could see myself using this (as opposed to the Xbox layout of the joysticks), I like this one.
For those curious, looks like the Stratus XL will be $79 - not crazy expensive, but not exactly a price drop from the existing controller
The Shadowgun update is live!!!!! YES!!! Now, update Shadowgun Deadzone and we'll be best friends forever!!!!!!
I'm not on 7.1, but also had a problem with crash on startup. I re-downloaded from the cloud, cancelled the update, started a game. Closed it. Restarted iPad. Updated. Launched game. Prompt saying I played it on another device and asked if I wanted to use that save. I said yes. Game crashed. I restarted it, and said no at the prompt, and it started right up. Strange bug, but I got it working by doing all that. It plays GREAT with a controller.