Oh, this is sort of thread relevant. I've been working the last couple days on adding MFI controller support to an unreleased game called Astro Duel. It's a four player competitive space combat game for iPad. Adding support for the iOS gamepads went quick, but adding support for multiple gamepads was FAR more complicated. Dealing with multiple simultaneous connections caused a few issues, but after a couple days, I think I've nailed it. (When I was looking how to do this there weren't many resources on the web, so I'm thinking of sharing my code and process.) I'm a huge controller enthusiast, so getting to finally add controller support to this game was a thrill. I hope other multiplayer MFi games are on the horizon too.
Awesome, sounds like fun! I was actually curious about how multiplayer support would work with controllers - I know they're supposed to support it, but I believe your game will be the first one that actually will. I'd love to know more about how you got it working
If you submit a support request, they'll probably give you a copy. I think it would be inappropriate to distribute something that could potentially brick your controller, though. If SteelSeries gives it to you personally and it breaks your controller, I'm sure they'd fix the problem right away. If some guy on the internet gives it to you, you could be out of luck if something goes wrong.
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is awesome!!! And yeah, this will be the first and probably the start of multi-player/gamecontroller game using a single ipad.
Pre-MFi days, we had quite a few with local multiplayer on GameDock including Aztec Antics, Block You, Gunslugs, and Vector Star Brawl. (Links: http://gamedock.tv/games.html) We also had a rough kart racing tech demo, which you can see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Onssw95HQNM
Ravensword Did they ever add extended support to Ravensword-Shadowlands? Last I checked it didn't work with my MOGA. Also, does it seem like the MFI controller support has slowed in the past months. Seems like at Xmas every game title had it but now its just a few...maybe its just me. Thoughts?
Rr3 Ooooh yeah!!! Finally Real Racing 3 updated with MFi game controllers support! Works great with Logitech PowerShell (steering, brake and acceleration)
I can't believe how good it is. Every day there's another game that's been updated with it. Check Kevin's website for them all with great reviews etc. Looking forward to some more old games being updated. I've now got more MFi games than I can rightfully play. I am quite easy pleased though.
Yeah I was surprised to see the controller working. The patch notes didn't mention anything about MFi support
I spent a bit more time with the game it still need to be adjusted. Steering is a bit sharp and raw. Buttons are not pressure sensetive. I think they will anounce it when it will be fixed with an upcoming major update.
Better than it was before! Playable, in fact. Not yet - hopefully they will soon, it's the only game that currently works only with the Logitech. Thanks I think it's as good as it ever was, generally. Part of the reason new games were added so often before is we kept finding others from the past to add to the list - now I think I've caught most of the games I'd missed. Classics from the back catalog keep getting upgraded - Jet Set Radio was on my wish list for ages - and more updates are on the horizon. The release of major, AAA games seems to have slowed. But it always does in the first few months of the year, even for major consoles. I'll admit, I'm surprised the rate of controller supported games isn't accelerating as fast as I'd assume it was. But I'l chalk a lot of that up to the early-year lull.
Added a few more games to the list: Motorbike HD Lite, Real Parking 3D, and Trigger on the Road were all updated for controller support. That makes 208 games and apps total!
I asked on the Shantae thread but i'll ask here as well has anyone managed to get shantae working with the stratus controller its on the list for mfi games?
Strange, you're absolutely right, it doesn't work. That's the first one I've seen that works with the Moga but not the SteelSeries - too bad, I hope they patch it
That's very strange. The only way that's "possible" is if they hardcoded some check against what brand/model the controller is, which seems like a weird thing to do.
YES! Installing now! Possible... the app was last updated before the Stratus was released. They probably did something simple like check for input over the lightning port rather than input in general - something like that. I'm sure it's an easy fix