Game Controller Supported Game List/Wishlist + Controllers

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Xeyad, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Coil_Whine

    Coil_Whine Active Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I should make this my signature. If Blutrol is updated for iOS 7 then most games on iOS will be supported. We will never have to worry about waiting for a game to get MFI support again!
  2. Draven2222

    Draven2222 Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    It won't work, as designed
  3. Coil_Whine

    Coil_Whine Active Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I don't get it :I
  4. Coil_Whine

    Coil_Whine Active Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    BTW I think OP is dead, but regardless for people like me this thread itself is wonderful
  5. Draven2222

    Draven2222 Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    You want the detailed version or the short version?
  6. Squablo

    Squablo Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
    Out of curiosity, I would like the detailed version. The basic functionality of BluTrol is like sorcery to me anyways, some kind of black magic. As it is, it supports damn near every controller out there, including PS3 dualshock, and even the Gameloft Duo Gamer. I don't see why they couldn't add support for MFi controllers.
  7. Draven2222

    Draven2222 Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    Ok, 1st off, why would anyone think the process of BluTrol will ever be a success outside of hobbyists and jail breaking community,?
    The whole thing of getting it to work is a joke, and way above the understanding of the casual gamer ie the majority of people who use iPhones and "Pay" money into supporting/expanding the worlds largest and most profitable eco system.
    1: you need a jail broken iphone/ipad. FAIL
    2: you need a PC or Mac. FAIL
    3: you need you to install separate Bluetooth handling software to get your gamepad (ps3 dualshock)to talk to an iPad/iphone. FAIL
    4: need to reconfigure blutrol for ever new game that comes out. FAIL
    5: response time and adjusting it to get it to work properly is more trouble than it's worth. FAIL
    The whole process is not easy...take a look if you not believe me.
    BTW iControlPad 2 "for fans of fragmentation and half baked ideas".. Funding for the IControlPad2 project has been pulled by kickstarter and backers are trying to reclaim they're money back, if your one of them i suggest you go over KS.

    Now compare that to Apples MFi solution.. Errr, plug it in and start playing, the whole concept and argument to why Apple added controller support into iOs7 was exactly for this make it easy/stop fragmentation amongst game devs and hardware manufacturers and lower the confusion level for us the gamers.

    ok that's the overview of why blutrol won't be a success or be the next big thing in mobile gaming as they claim to on their website.

    Now let's forget the jailbreak bit for a while and assume everyone owns a jailbroken iphone...lets look at some technical reasons why.
    The 4 tier problem adds another layer of complexity to the solution.
    MFi GControllers are squirting out analog data, all buttons and sticks/dpad etc. are analog, that means more data over BT comm/lightning comm which in turn means more processing power needed to handle it.
    The very reason why Apple rewrote the Gaming BT protocol found in iOS7 and used by GControllers.
    So to support this BluTrol would need to process a lot more data in realtime, on top of the apple code.
    Because pressure from GC button presses, need to respond to the in game action...otherwise it's not supporting it is it?
    What they will end up doing.. Is disregarding analog data support in BluTrol, and treating all inputs as digital.
    Congratulations.. A More inconsistant/fragmented/frustrated gaming experience exactly what we have today..
    Basically to summarize.. IF they do get it working, it will be a slow half baked attempt.(big if)

    2: to my understanding..Mfi controllers have a security chip inside them, similar to the one found in the lightning cable that communicate with iOs7 to validate them as official controllers. Cydia does not support this,Infact it avoids it..installing custom jailbroken apps etc are ok.
    But we are talking about hardware..basically without authorisation from an official iOS7 device the controllers will not work.

    3: IOS7.1 update is coming next month, so the jailbreak community have managed to somehow crack the hardware security,support the new BT protocol and rewrite and optimise blutrol to get it working smoothly on iOS7 before February you say.?

    I can't understand how you think this will ever be a viable solution to unified mobile gaming on iOS ?
    All I see is more fragmentation and problems.

    Potentially if we embrace them, Apple Mfi GC's are the future for the mobile gaming industry.

    For game developers. (Quicker implementation and easier console game conversions.)
    For hardware manufacturers. (Unified hardware component sourcing = a profitable support Eco system)
    For us..the gamers.(a better,more console like control system, plus a wider selection of games to enjoy)

    This is Apple/MOGA/Logitech's combined effort to revolutionize the gaming scene this is how it will happen, it will not happen by some guy in his garden shed..(jail breakers),early MFi days yet, it needs time to mature, wait for the next round of controllers and more game devs & hardware manufacturers to get we can have more controllers to review and complain about..:) :)

    On a final note..most people don't jailbreak iPhones..that is what Android is for.
    BTW before the jailbreak community/android supporters jump in with "OMG apple Fanboi" quotes.
    Let me make it clear I'm only it for "the Game" to make a better enjoyable gaming experience for us all, regardless of platform.
    Unfortunatley what I see is Apple, maybe that's the level needed to make a change.

    Please comment rip apart my logic if you find anything untrue or incorrect as of posting.
  8. "OMG apple Fanboi"

    I hope they don't call you a Fanboi after typing all that.
  9. Gov

    Gov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    He works for moga or Logitech no doubt. By the way, I only jailbreak for one reason only.... Better emulators.
  10. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Retroarch ftw, right? ;)
  11. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    OMG Apple fanboi. :D

    He has a point in some of his post, but it's hard to tell whether his points are fact or not.
  12. Gov

    Gov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    #412 Gov, Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
    Yea, RetroArch.. And PSP (PPSSPP) soon Dolphin Emulator could be ported to iOS (GameCube) zodttd is working on it !!

    Oh and I hope "reicast" (Dreamcast) is ported to iOS, ATM the devs don't have any iHardware or macs.

    Also - mame4iOS Reloaded 1.6 (latest arcade emu) basically a newer version of gridlee, with PS3 controller support.
  13. Squablo

    Squablo Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
    After reading the long explanation, I guess I should have asked for the short version. While I do appreciate your input on this matter, I feel like you missed my point. I never said BluTrol should replace MFi, but rather expand it.

    I've been using BluTrol since it came out. It's SUPER EASY to use. For that matter, I would think that if you have ever remaped controls in any game's option screen, you can handle BluTrol. It would be even easier to use for someone that knows how to run a jailbreak. It's like this.

    1. Jailbreak
    2. Install BluTrol. It will also automatically install the required Bluetooth stack needed for communication with devices.
    3. Add a game to BluTrol from the list of apps on your device from within BluTrol (hit the + button)
    4. Take a screenshot of said game
    5. Map buttons
    6. Play game

    It doesn't take a genius to use this app. Now, if they are indeed making MFi controllers that are Bluetooth, I see no reason why they can't add support into BluTrol for those controllers. As for all the analog stuff, well, they added analog support a while ago to BluTrol, and it works quite well too.

    I personally love BluTrol, and I think it's one of the best apps a gamer could ask for on a touch screen device. Maybe your experience is limited with it, or you tried an early version of it, but it's nice to be able to CHOOSE which controller I want to use, and not be stuck waiting for MONTHS for Apple to decide which controller they feel is "worthy" for us to use. I'm sorry. I'd rather use a $40 Dualshock 3 PS3 controller, or a $40 WiiMote that will support most any game, even old legacy games that will never get MFi updates, than one of these $100 flimsy piece of crap MFi controllers that are SLOWLY trickling out. I'm mean come on!!!!! MFi was announced in what, June? At this rate, maybe next Christmas we'll have a proper controller that Apple will finally approve for us measly peasants.

    I've said it before in this thread, and I'll say it again. The reason we have only 2 controllers to choose from is because Apple is holding back third party controllers. It wouldn't take Logitech more than a week to take one of its existing controllers, rip out the guts, replace with MFi guts, rebrand and repackage, ship to store. Same for MOGA. So yes. I'm pointing my finger directly at Apple here. Logitech has been making controllers for YEARS!!!! Do you really think it would take them this long to figure out how to make a Bluetooth controller work? That is simply preposterous!!!!!!!!!

    It simply makes no sense for a business to go through the trouble of designing a whole new model of controller when they already have existing controllers that are BETTER than what they have released for iOS!! Why spend all that money to craft an inferior product at a much higher price point?
  14. Draven2222

    Draven2222 Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    Nice comeback, I take your points onboard..

    Ok here's the short version.

    Apple will never in a million years allow Blutrol onto the official App they are forced down the jailbreak route.
    now Consider the majority percentage of iPhones/iPads sold and are active today, I don't know the exact figures but I bet the majority of them Don't get jail broken, they are used by ordinary people, casual gamers who want to pick up and play games.
    and yes BluTrol.. Is that difficult for the ordinary guy.. I advise everyone go to their website.Try it.
    What you will find is the majority will disregard it, not saying it's a bad idea it just doesn't work.

    Apples MFi solution fits the needs.

    I agree I want a PS3 or xbox stick style gamepad to play on my ipad, but I refuse to jump though hoops to do this.

    I do not want to play what I have already played previously, and played on the original consoles, I certainly won't be jailbreaking my 5S to do so.

    I want to play next gen style games/ I want to believe/support in a future not reminisce on what has past.
    We need these controllers at reasonable price point.. I'm hoping the next wave will give us this.
    Guess we need to shout louder !

    Gov I am also an advocat for Sony and Microsoft's efforts pushing the next gen console gaming scene forward..doesn't mean I work for
    maybe U missed the part I recommend neither the MOGA or the Logitech?
    Anyway I believe the big game changers for gaming (mobile & console) will be Oculus or Glyph, definatly i can say without a shadow of a doubt it is not goIng to be MaMe.
  15. Coil_Whine

    Coil_Whine Active Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    All I ever wanted was for the developers of Blutrol to add button mapping functionality to MFi Controllers. Regardless of what you think about them (they are overpriced...) this will make them better because it will increase compatibility with games. :D It's not worth fighting over MFi VS Bluetooth controllers because if Blutrol is updated then we'll all be happy.
  16. Squablo

    Squablo Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
    I don't see anything moving forward with PS4 and Xbox One. Neither of them are bringing anything new to the table, outside of upgraded specs. The only "innovation" I see is that WiiU gamepad, which in itself isn't really a new idea, since they pretty much have been doing that with the DS for years now. The gamepad's off-TV play is the best next gen feature I've seen yet. Microsoft's original vision for Xbox One actually had some new ideas, but we all hated them, so we get more of the same.

    To be honest, the ONLY reason I jailbreak is for iFile and BluTrol. I buy ALL my apps because, after all, most apps are $0.99. That's pretty cheap.
  17. Squablo

    Squablo Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
    BluTrol will be updated, as was confirmed by one of the authors via Twitter. He said it wouldn't be until around February because they are still sorting out the mobile substrate issues with Cydia due to the surprise release of the recent jailbreak. I'm quite sure they will add support for the MFi controllers, since they have already added support for just about every controller out there. The one that really surprised me was the Duo Gamer, because it was only supposed to work with Gameloft titles. I have more faith in the authors of BluTrol than I have in Apple themselves.
  18. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    Someone who have buy MOGA ACE POWER can confirm that inside the box there are 2 adapter,1 black adapter for iPhone 5/5s and 1 Orange adapter for iPod touuch 5 Gen? In my box there only the Orange adapter for iPod touch 5 gen,i've an iPhone 5,and I've 15 days for returning back if something it's wrong..
  19. rdriskell

    rdriskell Active Member

    Apr 20, 2010
    I will check mine when I get home today. My full review soon!
  20. Jaydevil

    Jaydevil New Member

    Feb 6, 2012
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    I thought the same thing too! Turns out that Moga has the black ones already installed on the controller. Slide them inward and they release. Had me stumped too till I accidently knocked them loose. No worries they are there enjoy the controller.

    Im playing Bastion with mine and having a blast!

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